Page 46 - #46 English
P. 46


                         The Burundi Dry process is like a hybrid between   texture with complexity and acidity towards the end with
                    honey and a washed process. I started with 24 hours dry   some notes of watermelon and sweet tobacco, very clean
                    fermentation and after the coffee beans were de-pulped by   and well rounded, this was the one of the methods that I
                    a manual de-pulper, the same was done for Ethiopia washed   had used, Burundi dry process. It was one of my favorite
                    process, the beans with mucilage were placed to dry in   of all the coffee’s I tasted on that table.
                    the tank for 24 hours without water, washing them every      The other one that had an incredible amount of citric
                    12 hours thoroughly. After the first step of fermentation   acidity, with a lower level of sweetness and lacked most of
                    was done, the beans were placed for another 24 hours of   the flavors was the Ethiopia washed process. The reason
                    under water fermentation without being washed. At the   that the coffee lacked flavour can probably be explained
                    end, I washed the beans with clean water and then moved   in the original process that I started with. The initial goal
                    them to a mechanical dryer until the proper moisture level   was to have 24 hours of under-water fermentation, but I
                    was achieved. The first drying phase of 24 hours does not   accidentally left it to ferment for 48 hours of under water
                    entirely remove the mucilage layer from the parchment,   fermentation. The Ethiopian washed process was used in
                    only in the last underwater fermentation step is when the   order to give high level of acidity, which in the end was
                    mucilage completely removed. The first fermentation step   accomplished, but sweetness was jeopardized.
                    was to allow the beans to absorb as much as sweetness pos-     I was really happy with my achievements and all
                    sible and to allow them to build a certain level of acidity.  the hard work that went into using ripe cherries to bring
                                                                               something unique and different from the
                                                                               coffee’s of Hacienda Pomarrosa. The more
                                                                               inherent sweetness a coffee exhibits, the
                                                                               better, and that’s what the Burundi Dry
                                                                               process of my experiment did in an out-
                                                                               standing way. My projection to Hacienda
                                                                               Pomarrossa is to continue with the Burundi
                                                                               Dry process along with the honey process
                                                                               and try to revise the Ethiopia washed
                                                                               process to add some favorable dimen-
                                                                               sions to it. It was the first step forwards
                                                                               to improve the quality, and highlight the
                                                                               unique terroir of the given soil content,
                                                                               and climatic condition of Puerto Rican
                                                                               coffee, to make something valuable and
                                                                               unique from the regular boring taste that
                                                                               most people associated Puerto Rican coffee
                                                                               with. When I was told that lower elevation
                                                                               does not bring acidity, and that acidity only
                                                                               increases at higher altitude, it just proved
                                                                               to me that nothing is impossible, and yes,
                                                                               you can achieve great acidity and pleasant
                         To check the results of the above I decided to conduct   sweetness and transform a one dimensional cup to a multi-
                    cupping, Several Q graders and others, including myself   dimensional bouquet of incredible flavors hidden within
                    and the manager of Hacienda Pomarrosa, gathered together   the soil of Isla del Encanto, even at lower elevation.
                    to cup 11 different coffee’s, including the ones that went
                    through the experiments that I conducted at Pomarrosa. The
                    first round had some robusta which was easily recognizable
                    by the shape of the beans, which are very small. It differ-
                    entiates itself from others, not so much by bitterness like      “ My name is Mikhail Sebastian. I am barista, edu-
                    others believe, but by a distinct unpleasant characteristic   cator and technical judge during Barista Competition. My
                    which ranged from metallic to rubber. Another cup stood   recent judging was at U.S. Latte Art Championship as visual
                    for itself by over-fermentation and tasted more baggy and              judge in Seattle in 2014 and
                    medicinal. Others were dryer with no presence of sweetness             technical judge for Puerto
                    or brightness. The one cup that I showed more interest in              Rico Barista Championship
                    had a moderate sweetness, and mellow acidity with notes of             and Coffee in Good Spirit in
                    dry fruits and a black tea texture, was the one Honey that I           2014. I also love to harvest
                    had processed myself, it stood itself really well with a light         and process coffees in the
                    body and pleasant after-taste.                                         different coffee regions. So
                         The second round had coffee’s that lacked sweetness               far, coffee farming took me
                    and acidity. One natural process was over fermented, the               to Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
                    other was not properly fermented and had a high level of               I currently reside and work
                    vinegar to the taste which further expanded to sourness,   as barista in Los Angeles, California. I would like for any
                    more like stale milk and yoghurt that had passed its expira-  barista around the world to experience coffee farming, get
                    tion date. Two other cups were quite interesting to me, one   your hands into something that bear the fruit and provide us
                    cup that combined a pleasant balance of sweetness and an   a joy working at coffee shops and making coffee for people.
                    elegant acidity with silky mouth-feel with a shiny sparkling   That is true understanding of seed to cup concept.”

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