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Coffee, turning point              “The last summer, in the world champion-  father of two children, but also a father of
               As said above, coffee has permeated   ship in Italy, we proposed that in 2017 the   60-70 students in the school. Because his
          naturally in our daily lives whenever we   competition should be held in Korea. Not   students have the potential to be leaders of
          meet with someone or study, not omissible   the result yet, but we expect a positive   coffee market of Korea, he is trying to be
          at work, even in traveling-giving sweet rest   answer.” He added some explanation with   like a father and guidance of them as well
          and little memory. Before Lee started coffee   a few reasons. “2017 is the 10th year after   as a comfortable professor, from which we
          job, he was also with coffee in his daily lives   the Korean national Baristas were selected   got the sense of his love to his student.
          naturally. Lee majored photography in col-  and sent to the world championship 2008.
          lege and visited abroad over 70 countries to   10 years, either in the west or the east, it   What he wants for coffee people
          make his works, where he drank wine and   is such a meaningful time.”       He delivered his message, “If you
          coffee in his daily life. After graduation as      He expressed his resolution, “And,   want to be a great writer, you need three
          he worked as a professor and photographer   according to the statistics of the last year,   things: a lot of reading, a lot of writing, and
          he held the exhibitions over 100 times and   Korea is one of the 10 largest coffee import-  a lot of thinking. Like everything else, cof-
          exerted his ability as an artist. However,   ing countries. Now is the time consuming   fee is the same. Drinking a lot, extracting
          he met a turning point when he worked as   amount and level of coffee in Korea are   a lot, and thinking a lot.” He said he feels
          a photography professor over 10 years. In   increasing, and it can be an opportunity   sorry that people want good coffee, but
          80-90s the photography department was so   to present the level of coffee in Korea   they do not think in broad way. President
          promising that many student favored, but   over the world, which is out goal” And   Lee took the new turning point of his life
          after 2000, with changing to digital way,   he also added that hopefully it could be   to coffee based on his long experiences as a
          there was a stagnant time more and more in   an opportunity for young Korean baristas   photographer. Now he is a professor and the
          photography department. Then he decided   or coffee people to raise themselves to a   President of Korean Coffee Association, he
          to study coffee which he had enjoyed in his   higher standard. He delivered his thought,   has kept his solid values through his many
          daily life when traveling the world. Now,   “As for ten years we have grown up like   and different thoughts and experiences.
          he is a professor in hotel beverage and   this since establishment, I am sure from   As he has the passion more than anyone
          bakery department in Chungbuk Health &   the 11th year we are going to have a mo-  else to struggle for raising talented persons
          Science University and also the president   tive to leaf up to a higher stage by having   and develop the coffee industry, we could
          of KCES.                           more ambitious dream.” Finally, he said he   expect the hope of the future of Korean
                                             had another big dream for the community   coffee.
          The goals of KCES                  to construct an official building where
               KCES is hosting the barista qualifi-  more and more coffee people and business
          cation tests, raising coffee leaders, hosting   people exchanges each other in different
          the competition to select national baristas,   and comfortable ways, and expressed the
          and academic and educational activities of   hope the dream would be surely become
          different contents. Lee who has engaged   true.
          in KCES since establishment until now has
          been elected as the president this year, and   “Make a beautiful world opening with
          is showing more strong will for the goals   coffee” It is the slogan of KCES and
          that he has dreamed.               President Lee
               First, he is pursuing to upgrade      President Lee continually makes
          the barista qualification test from a pri-  efforts to service happy and tasteful coffee   Lee Sang-Gyu
          vate certificate to national approved one.   and think of how consumers could enjoy it   -  Master Degree of Photographic Design
          President Lee showed his strong will, “This   eventually. “Sometimes I feel sorry for the   in Hongik Graduate School
          year it has been three years. The second   tendency to see coffee too much around   -  1994-1999 Professor in the photo-
          degree of barista certificate which began   the forms, such as roasting or extracting   graphic art department in Jeju Tourism
          Nov. 2005 first is now so much popular   ways. I hope you would enjoy coffee more   College
          that huge lots of people are rushing to get   generously.” In order to enjoy coffee in   -  1999-2005 Professor in the photo-
          the certificate. Certainly it is a certificate   different ways, KCES has the plan of this   graphic art department in Chungbuk
          with public reliability and brand value.   year, including encouraging local com-  Public Health and Science University
          All the results are the outcomes from the   munities or group buying of raw beans or   -  2006~ Professor in the department of
          community members’ efforts. We are going   other coffee goods, which will improve   hotel beverage and bakery in Chungbuk
          to challenge again to make the certificate   material satisfaction of the members. And   Public Health and Science University
          to national approved one” And KCES is   a plan is in the proceed to release quarterly   -  Photography Exhibitions – 3 times in
          studying more the surrounding subjects   newsletters and make an website where the   private/over 100 times collective
          like tea master related to coffee, water som-  members can take part in activities, hiring,   -  2007-2008 office director of Korea
          melier, and flavor evaluating, and planning   or job seeking, and feel satisfaction at least   Coffee Education System
          the related certificates. However, despite   a little bit more. In addition, President Lee   -  2009-2010 Vice President of Korea
          of these efforts, there was a criticism that   shows his aspiration that he will focus on   Coffee Education System
          there was no qualitative development   leading all the members either in academy   -  2011-2014 Chief Vice President of
          other than quantitative one. President Lee   or in the industry together, not only on   Korea Coffee Association
          expressed the strong will to make efforts   education.                  -  2008-2014 Chief Organizer of the
          for qualitative development for the next      President Lee, working as a profes-  National Barista Championship for
          a few years.                       sor, said his another big dream to make   World Barista Championship
               Second, he is pursuing to host the   the school a place where students could   -  2015~ President of Korean Coffee
          Word Barista Championship 2017 in Korea   happily come and go to. At home he is a   Association

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