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cents are being appreciated by your average   are in your café, you’ll probably find the   to project a business image of being clean,
          customer, try establishing a questionnaire   music may be too loud, so turn it down.   organized, and in good repair.
          for your customers to fill out and submit   And, when your café is bustling, you prob-     Because you probably work in your
          anonymously. It can be printed on a small   ably need to turn the volume up slightly.   own business numerous hours and days
          card, and your surveys and pencils placed   You can actually control crowd noise with   each week, inevitably you become “store
          in a glass on each table. Establish a “com-  music. If there seems to be excessive noise   blind.” After walking by that hole in the
          ments box” so your customers will have a   from customer conversations, music, and   wall, stain on the carpet, and the tear in
          place to deposit their completed surveys.   drink making, turn down the music ever   the chair upholstery for 3-weeks, suddenly
          Your survey can not only address question   so slightly. Then after about 2 or 3 min-  you don’t even see those things anymore.
          related to your ambiance, i.e. “Is there   utes, turn it down again. You’ll find that   They’ve simply become part of the land-
          anything you would like to see changed in   customers will actually lower the volume   scape; they’re no longer “novel,” so you
          our café décor or decorations?” – but can   of their conversations, now that they don’t   don’t notice them. If you are lucky enough
          also ask questions about your menu, prices,   have to compete with the music volume.  to get away for a couple of weeks of vaca-
          product quality, and customer service.      Proper room temperature will be   tion, when you return is when you might
          Customer comment cards can be hard to   necessary in creating a comfortable ambi-  once again notice these blemishes. Or, ask a
          read if they’re not complementary of your   ance. When I was a young and inexpe-  trusted “neat-nick” friend to come in, have
          business, but they might reveal reasons why   rienced restaurant manager, my district   a cup of coffee and pastry on you, and write
          you haven’t hit the level of success you   manager would lead me on a tour around   down their honest opinion of things that
          originally envisioned. My general rule when   my customer seating area and then ask   need to be cleaned, repaired, rearranged,
          it comes to art and décor, is that it should   me what I had seen. When I was unable to   or eliminated. And remember, you asked,
          be tasteful, clean, and in good condition. A   identify what he was trying to show me,   so don’t become upset if they point out
          poster of a beautiful cappuccino that is torn   he said, “everyone is wearing their jackets,   things you don’t agree with, or hurt your
          and soiled won’t enhance your business’s   why are they wearing their jackets? It’s cold   feelings. If they considered certain things to
          appearance.                        in here, turn up the thermostat!” When I   be negative enough to put on their list, then
               Lighting is an important part of set-  commented that I was actually hot, he said,   undoubtedly some of your other customers
          ting a comfortable atmosphere. The idea   “that because you are running around, we   probably feel the same way.
          is to create as little contrast as possible in   pay you to be hot, but your customers are
          the light from outdoors to indoors. In other   obviously cold!” Look at your customers.
          words, during the day, café light levels   Are they wearing jackets? Or, are their
          should be up, and in the evening, they   beads of sweat on their foreheads? Adjust
          should be dimmed. We’ve all walked out   your room temperature to create a comfort-
          of a dark theater into bright sunlight after   able atmosphere for your customers.
          a movie.                                 Finally, and extremely important,

               Those types of lighting extremes   is the cleanliness of your business. I’ve      Remember, a large part of the reason
          are uncomfortable and disorienting. Music,   seen well- worn, 100-year old coffee bars   people go to coffee cafes is for the       atmo-
          once again, is a subjective decision; (and,   that were well maintained and immaculate.   sphere. They want to go to a place where
          another good question for your customer   I’ve also seen 6-month old million-dollar   they can refresh, relax, visit friends, have
          survey!) Upbeat selections can be used   coffee bars that were already in disrepair,   a meeting, study, read, and recharge. They
          during peak business hours when things are   and filthy.               want to feel like your place is there place,
          busy and you want to promote table-turns.      Which one do you think was more   and you should want them to!
          More relaxing selection should be chosen   appealing? Are your corners, baseboards,
          for slow time of day or in the evenings.   and chair and table legs clean? Do they
          Proper volume is very important. You want   need repainting? Do your walls and ceilings   Ed Arvidson has been a consultant to the
          the music loud enough that you can actu-  need cleaning, patching, or repainting? Are   Specialty Coffee Industry for 23-years,
          ally hear the song if your listening, but not   your heat and air-conditioning vents free of   and is the instructor of the industry’s first
          so loud as to make it difficult to conduct a   lint, fuzz, and dirt? Are your seat cushions   and premier online coffee business school.
          conversation. Also, when only a few people   torn, or repaired with duct tape? You need
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