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the head of QC department. Their job is to imprint the evidence every day for 20 years across Central America,
taste, the body, the finishing of the product. Tasters need South America, India and Africa. It is expressed through
to take tests every six months to ensure that they are up Università del caffè (“University of Coffee”) providing
to level in tasting. These tasters are to ensure that all the hands-on instruction at no cost to coffee growers, and in
blends are at illy standard quality. Not only to ensure the above-market prices illy guarantees to growers who
the tastes, but Illy also developed Nitrogen Pressure meet its quality standards. Sharing coffee culture and
technologies that is a pressurized container in a modi- knowledge is the inspiration behind illy’s Università del
fied atmosphere that was invented in 1930 to ensure that caffè (the University of Coffee) which was first opened in
coffee shipped over the world is at its premium quality. Naples, Italy in 1999 and then moved to Trieste in 2002.
With their researches and development, illy pass on their Today there are more than 20 branches worldwide, each
knowledge through its university of coffee. With more a center of coffee excellence promoting the latest coffee
than 22 locations around the world, along with one in research and understanding from bean to cup. Here at the
the one in its headquarter, Trieste, Italy, their goal is to universtiy, there holds a tasting session by the University
be a co-worker rather than a customer with its producer. of Coffee. This is where coffee were tasted and the taste
Illy believes that a better working conditions and higher profile chart was drawn and illustrated. The Università del
profits for producer makes a higher quality, and that is caffè teaches producers how to get the best from nature,
why they buy. assisting with in-field training on the most environmen-
tally responsible cultivation, harvesting and processing
UNIVERSITÀ DEL CAFFÈ techniques and with courses on the business of sustain-
With its branches all over the world. Illy believes able agriculture. For hospitality professionals,Università
that education and know-how are critical to coffee’s del caffè coursework encompasses intensive, hands-on
quality: for the grower seeking to produce the finest training on coffee preparation and menu development,
harvest; the barista dedicated to gratify his customers. illy the latest in coffee bar management and marketing, and
considers respect for the environment and people that practical ways to enhance the customer experience. And
nurture coffee a fundamental part of doing business - in for coffee lovers, a curriculum developed expressly for
consumers spans coffee history, basic chemistry and
biology, and an appreciation for the taste and aroma of
fine, premium-quality coffee.
Illy with its long heritage that has been carrying on
with the challenge to supply the best coffee to the world
for three generations. From its origins, its inventions,
research and development, and till today, to educate
the market and producers. Illy today, responsible for
representing coffee product at the Expo Milano 2015, had
done it beautifully. It has introduced coffee in different
clusters that represents the seed to cup concept in a very
unique and innovative way. A famous artists, Sebastião
Salgado, also work closely with illy to create the Scent
of a dream, which is a photographic journey through
coffee growing countries. Not only its success is shown
at the Expo Milano 2015 but through its Flagship store
in Milan, its mega factory in Trieste, and its University
of coffee all over the world sharing its knowledge to the
market and producers as a coworker. Illy victory has been
manifest and well-known all over the world, adding up
to the continuity of the legacy of illycaffè.