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by high-profile contemporary artists. The   Gerais, one of Brazil’s major coffee growing
          very walls of the store are used to tell nine   regions, he found work as an economist for
          stories, describing the nine reasons for illy’s   the International Coffee Organization. But
          uniqueness while, adjacent to the entrance,   photography went from a simple hobby
          a mosaic made from 63 thousand tiles   to a calling, and in 1973, Salgado started a
          depicts the famous advertisement made   career in images by documenting the lives
          for illy by Xanti Schawinsky in 1934. All   of poor, migrant workers in Latin America
          illy products are available to purchase at   and Africa. Scent of a dream is also a book,
          the illy Caffè flagship store in Piazza Gae   curated by Lélia Wanick Salgado, the pho-
          Aulenti: coffee machines, collector’s cups,   tographer’s wife, where the stunning im-
          breakfast accessories, chocolate, tea and   ages of places and people are accompanied
          confectionery. Ideal as a gift or to enjoy   by the profound text provided by Andrea
          the illy experience at home.       Illy, Luis Sepulveda, Angela Vettese and of
                                             course, Sebastião Salgado. Scent of a dream
          SEBASTIÃO SALGADO AND ILLY – SCENT   is a photographic journey through coffee
          OF A DREAM, VENICE                 growing countries: the greatest artistic
               Started in 2002, when Sebastião   reference ever produced on the coffee
          Salgado and illy met, Scent of a dream is a   world. The project is based on a shared
          photographic journey through coffee grow-  common value: sustainable development,
          ing countries: the greatest artistic reference   the fundamental principal by which the
          ever produced on the coffee world. With   Trieste-based company is able to maintain
          the collaboration of Bevilacqua La Masa   its supreme quality. Throughout his career,
          Foundation Scent of a Dream is shown in   Salgado has managed to use his black and
          Venice, at the Foundation’s gallery in Piazza   white pictures to celebrate the daily lives
          San Marco. The exhibition consists of a se-  of those on the plantations, and the beauty
          lection of 75 of the most representative im-  of the terroir from which the precious bean
          ages from the great maestro’s photographic   is grown and harvested. The sequence of
          journey. Salgado was born in 1944 in Minas   his images was constructed, shot by shot,
                                             in ten of the countries from which illy buys
                                             coffee: Brazil, India, Indonesia, Ethiopia,
                                             Guatemala, Colombia, China, Costa Rica,
                                             El Salvador and Tanzania.

                                             THE  FACTORY  AND  HEADQUARTER,
                                                   The illy mega factory is based in
                                             Trieste, Italy. As ones of the world most
                                             advance factories, they transform more
                                             than one hundred tons of coffee daily with
                                             more than 22 acres is needed. It is at a port
                                             location where it can distribute coffee to

                                                                                 all over Europe and the rest of the world.
                                                                                 The factory, however, tries to achieve its
                                                                                 perfection. Its taste has to be unique and
                                                                                 it needs to ensure the perfect blend, as it
                                                                                 is the secret that will always stay with illy.
                                                                                 The mega factory incorporate scientific
                                                                                 labs with advanced technologies to analyze
                                                                                 each and every bean. The goal is to achieve
                                                                                 the optimum aroma, sweetness, and bal-
                                                                                 anced. Did you know that, more than 400
                                                                                 billion cups of coffee are being consumed
                                                                                 everyday where nearly half the amount
                                                                                 is supplied by illy! It’s a passion for the
                                                                                 drinker. The factory is the transformation
                                                                                 of the product. From the green beans, it
                                                                                 goes to the large vibration that separate
                                                                                 the beans for its weight. Going on to the
                                                                                 silos; then to the roasting, and cooling. To
                                                                                 ensure the standard secret tastes of illy
                                                                                 coffee. David Brussa, as the main taster is
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