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the quality of the end product.” Neuhausen Naturally our people were ready to answer Australia is a long-time BWT water+more
is pleased and proud that the coffee indus- any questions and provide expert advice partner and water ambassador down under.
try and baristas have finally embraced the about professional water optimization,” In April, he came out on top in a field of
company’s message emphasizing the vital said Karen Jensen from BWT HOH A/S in 48 competitors and won the Barista World
importance of limescale protection and the Denmark who were in charge of the team Championship in Seattle, Washington. The
sensory experience. BWT water+more has at the show. highlight for BWT water+more at World
solutions for high-end water optimization of Coffee in Gothenburg was the appear-
which no other manufacturer worldwide ance by the newly crowned Barista Champ
can match. It is no wonder that products 2015 on the BWT stand at the start of the
made by BWT water+more are highly show. Sasa was able to discuss with other
coveted by baristas who are the experts professionals.
when it comes to coffee aroma.
About BWT
The ultimate taste experience thanks to The Best Water Technology Group
BWT Magenesium technology is Europe’s leading water technology com-
The BWT bestmax PREMIUM lets pany. 2,600 employees work to provide
the coffee community experience a whole customers in private households, industry,
new world of excellent taste. Patented businesses, hotels and municipalities with
BWT magnesium technology creates a innovative, cost-effective and eco-friendly
perfect mineral balance in the water. The water treatment technologies, offering the
mineral swap filtration stage in the BWT highest standards of hygiene safety and
bestmax PREMIUM removes lime in the health in their daily contact with water.
form of calcium (Ca2+) and enriches the BWT provides modern treatment systems
water with just the right amount of magne- and services for drinking water, pharma-
sium (Mg2+) which is the most important cology and process water, heating water,
flavor enhancer. It truly brings out the fine boiler water, cooling and air-conditioning
aroma of coffee and tea. water and water for swimming pools. BWT
employees applied state-of-the-art methods
360° panoramic view of the Action to new processes and materials for the de-
Centre velopment of eco-friendly, cost-effective
Things were really happening in products. An important aspect of our work
the Action Centre at the BWT water+more was the reduction in the products’ energy
stand. Visitors were right in the thick of consumption and therefore lower CO2
things rather than being mere bystanders emissions.
at live brewing by the two star award-
winning baristas Eva Gefvert Nordell and
Per Nordell as well as during live tasting at
the Water Bar and at the cupping experi-
ment. They got a panoramic view of water
optimization which they can follow step by
step with all of their senses. The raw water
on site will be optimized using different
filtration techniques and everyone who Optimal water is the winner
tastes the different types at the Water Bar Who can conjure up the most deli-
will get an impression of the effect which cious filter coffee? Who demonstrated the
the process has on the sensory experience. best skills in the Latte Art Championship
At live brewing with Eva and Per, the show and whose creation captures the imagi-
visitors can experience for themselves the nation of the jury in the Coffee in Good
coffee creations which the star baristas Spirits competition? Whoever eventually
prepare with the optimized water. came out on top, ultimately all of the cof-
fee artists were winners. “As WoC event
Cupping and water sponsor and partner, we were good hosts
Those who are really interested to the international coffee community,”
took part in the cupping experiment with said BWT water+more Managing Director
Per Nordell, who was the Swedish Barista Dr. Frank Neuhausen who was obviously
Champion in 2012, to directly experienced pleased about the company’s standing in
the sensory influence which different the barista scene.
types of water have on the coffee aroma
fingerprint. “We invite the guests who 2015 World Champion Barista pays a
attended the World of Coffee to try our visit
PREMIUM water with magnesium and BWT water+more has been spon-
our Natural Balanced Water undiluted and soring events and prizes in support of
allow themselves to be spoilt by coffee the international barista community for a Further information:
creations prepared by our master baristas. long time. Sasa Sestic from Ona Coffee in