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P. 53
Pulped Natural/Semi-dry/Honey Process
Natural/Sundried/Dry Processed
Common way : Natural coffees frequently carry a flavor similar
to that of the coffee cherry itself. At its most
simple, coffee is dried with the cherry remain-
ing on the bean and parchment throughout the
drying process and will often remain on the
patios or drying beds. Dry processing implies
that the whole cherry is dried together (exo-
carp, mesocarp and endosperm, i.e. pulp,
parchment and bean).
Flavor Profile : The dry - process produces coffee that is heavy
in body, sweet, smooth, and complex. The dry-
process is often used in countries where rainfall
is scarce and long periods of sunshine are avail-
able to dry the coffee properly. However, if not
done properly, it can easily cause fermentation,
and is unfavorable to the cup. Most coffees from
Indonesia, Ethiopia, Brazil, and Yemen are dry -
Pulped Natural/Semi-dry/Honey Process
Common way : Outside of Brazil the pulped natural process
is frequently referred to as the honey process,
with producers leaving various amounts of
mucilage adhering to the parchment as well as
employing different depths of the coffee layer
in drying, both resulting in unique profiles
that expand the range from dry to wet process.
Flavor Profile : Washed coffee is distinguished by the clarity
of the flavors and attributes that it can achieve. There can also be varying levels of honey pro-
It is exactly the transparency of wet processed cessed coffee, typically referred to as black,
coffees that allows clarity and cleanliness for red, or yellow honey. This is the level of the
perception of the remarkable complexity of mucilage being left on when dried; the black
acids and other compounds.Washed process has the most mucilage left on, while the yellow
coffees today find themselves as the standard has the least.
bearers of the specialty coffee industry. Washed Flavor Profile : Scoring relies heavily on discerning between
processed coffees highlight these regional sweeter and “cleaner” versions of each. With
distinctions: the winey, sometimes tart fruit careful technique and experiments to suit each
notes of a Kenya, the high - toned citrus and region; carefully processed coffees can display
black tea notes of an Ethiopia, the acidity and significant and vibrant fruit acidity, integrated
tropical fruit in a Colombia, or the rich, deep with the wilder flavors imparted by the process
sweetness of a Costa Rica. itself.