Page 45 - #56 English
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Can drinking coffee lead to dehydration?  ③ Part of the reports points out caffeine may influ-
                                                               ence pain feeling in brain and spinal cord, making
                                                               athletes not sensible to injuries and prolonging per-
                       Birmingham University Sport and Exercise
              School reported that drinking coffee is almost as same   formance time.
                                                                   However, whether caffeine can enhance sport
              as drinking clear water and cannot lead to dehydra-
              tion, on the contrary, as any other beverage, it helps   performance, it’s still under question.
              to hydrate your body. The study compared effects of
              drinking coffee and clear water and also measured        Is caffeine the cure to prevent Alzheimer’s
              black coffee impact on a body; scientist took 50 men     disease?
              (women cannot be tested due to menstrual cycle af-
              fecting the study). During the 3- day experiment, one    A group of researchers from University of
              team had to drink 4 cups of black coffee per day,   Wisconsin at Milwaukee conducted a study by track-
              while the other team needed to drink only water;   ing every year’s behavior of 6467 people, who were
              after those 3 days experiment continued, making 2   over 65 years old. Every year, researchers evaluated
              teams switch their roles.                        tested people cognitive ability and required them to
                  In order to know hydration state, researchers used   record daily consumption of coffee, tea and coke to
              a variety of effective hydration measurements, includ-  calculate their intake of caffeine. After 10 years re-
              ing weight and total water body percentage measure-  cording, compared to the tested people with no caf-
              ments, as well as blood and urine analysis. Scientists   feine intake, persons, who took more than 26.1mg
              found out that there were no big difference between   caffeine per day, reduced their risk of having Al-
              people who drank water and who drank coffee.     zheimer’s disease by 36%. What’s more, researchers
                                                               from Greece showed that 1 cup of coffee a day can
                      Will coffee be a banned drug for athletes?  keep the arteries healthy and blood pressure stable
                                                               after a study of 485 people, who were also older than
                                                               65. Study on 600 volunteers from UK University of
                       It is well known that caffeine has been com-  Bristol also indicates that 1 cup of coffee a day may
              monly used in sport field, however, Academia has de-  empower brain.
              bated for a long time whether the usage of caffeine can   These benefits, mainly due to caffeine, can in-
              strengthen athletic ability. Caffeine was regarded as   hibit aseptic inflammation in the brain, thereby re-
              banned drug by IOC as early as 1984, but later it was   duce the forming and deposition of abnormal protein
              taken out of list in 2004 due to no scientific evidence   which can cause disease. This will not only help to
              on its positive impact on athletic ability has been   reduce the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease but also
              proved. But now, caffeine is still on the watch list of   prevent the neurodegenerative diseases like Parkin-
              WADA for the reason of popular usage by athletes.
                  In order to make it clear, UK researchers has con-  son etc.
              ducted a study on the relationship between absorption
              speed of carbohydrates and intake of caffeine. The
              study is to test drinks taken by endurance athletes
              including  bicyclist  and  triathletes.  The  result  shows
              that intake of 0.5mg  caffeine per  kg  of  an athletes
              weight can increase 26% absorption speed of carbohy-
              drates. From this point, caffeine might have a positive
              impact on athletic ability. Several reports summarize
              the 3 reasons, listed below:
              ①  Caffeine is a kind of alkaloid, which can stimulate
              the brains central nervous system, making the ath-
              letes become excited which leads to quick reaction
              during sports and reduces their feeling of being tired
              in long-term sport activities.
              ② Caffeine can promote body  and muscles release
              fatty acids into the blood, for the use of saving gly-
              cogen and increasing storage ability of glycogen,
              which will finally help the continuation of endurance.
              This brings bigger benefit to endurance sports such
              as long distance cycling and running.

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