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P. 43
Coffee components
To understand how coffee influences health, first, we need to know what a coffee bean has inside.
Polysaccharides Fresh bean has a lot of com- ● Volatile Fatty Acids: it is an important factor for coffee
ponents inside, and, even though, 35%-45% is so aroma, it can create around 40 different types of aroma substance.
called “sugar”, coffee fiber is not sweet at all. Protein Coffee contains around 12% of protein;
Caffeine Caffeine is the most attractive ingre- while brewing most of proteins cannot be dis-
dient in coffee, it is a crystalline xanthine alkaloid solved, so human body can receive very limited
compound, something similar to theobromine in amount of protein out of coffee.
cacao and theophylline in tea. For example, Ara- Sugars (sucrose) Coffee beans contain about
bica beans contain 0.9%-1.4% of caffeine. Caffeine 3%-8% of sucrose; after roasting it becomes caramel,
has a wide effect on human body: starting with with reaction of different proteins and sugars, it
brain and heart and ending with blood vessels and gives coffee beans this smoky brown color.
muscles; moderate amount of caffeine can Minerals As main coffee miner-
stimulate cerebral cortex, make a mind als, such as lime, iron, sulphur,
clear, improve memory and emotion- sodium carbonate, phospho-
al state, make the blood run faster, C8H10N4O2 rus, chlorine, silicon etc., are
strengthen blood vessels, reduce very limited in a bean, they
muscle fatigue and im- do not influence the taste
prove metabolism.
Unlike narcotic of the coffee much.
and stimulating Microelements
substances, caf- Black coffee contains
feine does not ac- very big amount of mi-
cumulate in a body, croelements like potas-
it leaves the body sium, magnesium, nia-
within 24 hours. cin and a very small
amount of sodium. Fol-
Chlorogenic acid
lowing data provides in-
One more important coffee formation on how many
bean chemical component is tan- microelements there are in
nin (aka polyphenol), which is a 100ml cup of moderate
4%-9% of all chemical elements in intensity black coffee:
a bean. Chlorogenic acid is a combina-
tion of caffeic acid and quinic and it is
exactly one of the reasons of the sour taste
after roasting and brewing.
Fats Fats play a very important role in how a Very small amount
coffee tastes; studies showed that coffee has a lot
of different types of fats inside, among them the
most important ones are fatty acid and Volatile
Fatty Acids.
● Fatty acids: fat contains acid, its strength will be differ-
ent according to different types of coffee. 3