Page 41 - #56 English
P. 41
The concept is introduced by the founder Bosco of environmental protection. There are also many
Quinzaños. He sees the importance of water as the souvenirs related to "water"- "water and life, water and
central element for the ecosystem and for human life; society, water and nature". They hope that people can
and the importance to make the most out of rain water understand the meaning of life, and understand how to
as a precious resource. Man, machine, and nature come cherish water and protect the environment.
together in a common language, unafraid to speak with CASA DEL AGUA ® is instinctively contempo-
clear purpose. rary, yet passionately classic. With conviction, it rep-
The logo on the bottle shows a man wearing a gas resents everything that is worthy for what it “is” and
mask, which aims to awaken people’s consciousness not for what it“intends to be”.