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I   Iced

                  This study is, in essence, part of                          problem  by  adding  natural  ingredi-
              a broader trend toward “functional                              ents, there is still space to improve
              foods” with added nutrients thought                             the texture. Because the bacteria in
              to help digestion,  bowel  regular-                             dietary fiber has influence on ice
              ity,  and  other  aspects  of  health.                          cream texture. Recommendations for
                                                                              dietary fiber intake from U.S. De-
                                                                              partment of Agriculture range from              Discover why the worlD’s best
                                                                              25 to 35 gram per day. So one serving
                  “Food provides calories                                     of ice cream—about a 50-gram
                  and comfort – people want                                   scoop—should have about 5 grams of              roastmasters choose loring roasters.
                  to indulge. We’re working                                   fiber, or 10% of the ingredients. Doc-
                  on making ice cream sat-                                    tor Druen and his team find that,
                  isfying and healthy,”                                       while the dietary fiber weight reach-
                                                                              es to 5%, the texture of ice cream is
                                                                              soft, smooth and rich, near to the              »  Control the roast chamber precisely
                        Doctor Ingolf Gruen                                   normal ice cream texture. While the
                                                                              weight of dietary fiber reaches to
                                                                              15%, it becomes sticky.                         »  Reduce fuel costs up to 80%
                                                                                  The option of adding probiotics
                   professor of
                                                                              into the base turns out to be not               »  Achieve true consistency with
                                                                              ideal. These bacteria usually grow in
                   chemistry at                                                                                                  repeatable roast profiles
                                                                              milk and produce lactic acid, which
                  the university
                                                                              is the taste consumers don’t like in
                                                                              ice cream. Researchers need to find             »  Lower maintenance time
                                                                              other  ideal  mediums  to  cultivate
              As many diseases are caused by in-                              probiotics.
              flammation that starts in the intes-                                Besides, the bitter taste from              »  Conserve space with the smallest
              tines, he thinks functional foods                               acai berry is another challenge.                   footprint in the industry
              might reduce that inflammation. And                             Researchers might have to mix in
              he does not think the additives will                            other berries to make it palatable.
              be harmful; they are generally recog-
              nized as safe by the U.S. Food and
              Drug Administration (FDA).
                                                                              People would be
               Does Healthy Taste Good?
                                                                              upset  that  we’re
                   Then, how to keep the flavor as
               traditional ice cream while adding                             ‘tampering’  with  a
               non-traditional ingredients? The se-
               cret is to stay as natural as possible.                        comfort  food.  We
               “Our major challenges are keeping
               texture and flavor as original as pos-                         need to know if they
               sible and improve customers’ psycho-
               logical acceptance,” Gruen said. There-                        would be more will-
               fore, Gruen and his research team are
               using the real stuff to make functional                        ing to pay for ice                                                                 Destoners
               ice cream. They mix the base contain-
               ing 10% fat with acai berry to canning.                        cream with added                                                         
               The acai  berry  is  a grapelike fruit
               harvested from acai palm trees, con-                           nutritional  benefits.
               taining rich quantity of probiotics,                                                                           Explore the Smarter Way to Roast.
               prebiotics, fiber and antioxidants. So
               it is also named as the “longevity nut”
               and “best fighter of free radical”.                                                                            Visit
                   Although they have solved the                             concluded by Doctor Gruen in the end.


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