Page 103 - #60 English
P. 103


                food contains

                health-promoting               With a nature advantage to be a functional
                                               food, ice cream has become a topic for
                or disease-pre-                scientists at the University of Mis-
                                               souri’s College of Agriculture, Food
                venting property               and Natural Resources. Research-
                                               ers at the University of Missouri
                beyond the basic               are working to make ice cream a
                                               functional food by adding nutri-
                function of sup-               ents such as fiber, antioxidants
                                               and probiotics, in the meanwhile
                plying nutrients.              they need to keep the ice cream’s
                                               texture, flavor and saturated fat as
                                               original as possible, which means
                                               make functional ice cream satisfying
                                               and healthy.

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