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P. 102

I   Iced



                       ice cream


               Supplemented  Ice  Cream

                   As economic growth rate in China slows down, and sense of ra-
               tional consumption of all ages consumers is returning to the norm,
               their consumption is becoming more conservative and picky. Accord-
               ing to the report from Mintel on Consumer in China, the update in 2017
               shows consumers focus more on the goods’ price/quality ratio and
               consentrate more on healthy and nutritious food, compared to 2016.
               “More choices, higher quality and consumption convenience upgrade
               will drive the consumption growth at a steady speed. Among all, healthy
               trend and customer experience are two main topics.” Said Mintel re-
               search director.
                   Meanwhile, another market survey from America shows the key
               point to win in the fierce competition with homogeneous products in
               the market is to focus on the importance of product differentiation, by   Supplemented Ice Cream
               raising the barrier in production to further enlarging the leading posi-
               tion in the industry. As Richard Blau, head of alcohol and food legal   It’s not  a  surprise that supple-
               department of Gray Robinson Company, said: “No matter in America   mented food exists. This food con-
               or other countries, the economic rebound prompt the business devel-  tains health-promoting or disease-
               opment of large numbers of new food and beverage manufacturers.   preventing property beyond the basic
               Hence, consumers are able to choose among new products, services   function of supplying nutrients. Ac-
               and consumption occasions. Manufacturers perform a lot of marketing   cording to statistics, the United States
               plans to attract consumers’ attention and impulse their desire for shop-  produced about 1.54 billion gallons of
               ping. However, after decades, consumers are frustrated by too much   ice cream and frozen desserts in 2015.
               choices, result in the consumption decline finally. It is the so called   Ice cream itself can be a good carrier of
               “SKU-mageddon” in the industry. Win over other competitors and gain   added nutrients. Benefited from its easy
               consumers’ preference are the main challenges for all manufacturers   flavored and colored characters, it is
               in 2017.                                                    matched with almost any added nutrients.

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