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Are there any tips or tricks vendors should con- Firstly, choose tech solutions that can ensure high
sider when creating interactive 3D visuals of quality 3D content. Detail-oriented 3D images, with clear
their products? and in-focus product features, help customers make bet-
If you shoot products in a photo studio, ensure that ter decisions and feel sure that your brand is the right fit
you have enough lighting. Use a turntable for even rota- for them. This helps you win customers’ trust, increase
tion. If you shoot unstable objects, use a stand as we did customer retention, and as a result, makes your business
it when shooting ice cream cones. We have a YouTube more profitable. Secondly, when delivering immersive
channel with many useful tips on 3D shooting. shopping experiences, use a solution that doesn’t overload
your website. Website speed is crucial for successful
What new features and technologies are being customer experience. To avoid overloading our clients’
developed in order to further enhance the user servers, we provide unique data streaming technology for
experience with 3D product imaging? fast content delivery. Last but not least, be creative and
We’ve created a new approach to 3D content pro- try different marketing strategies with immersive content.
duction and developed our proprietary 3D format — 3D For instance, embedding immersive content into a menu
View. It doesn’t require manual 3D modeling and allows is a unique idea for a cafe or restaurant to provide a
you to get the same, or an even better, quality result in memorable experience.
a regular photo studio. Producing photorealistic 3D
content is a big problem and we keep working to provide As Kosta points out, the use of interactive 3D visu-
affordable solutions. als is a powerful tool to increase customer engagement
and build brand recognition. With the rise of the
How can vendors use 3D product imaging to Metaverse, 3D product visuals are quickly becoming an
increase their brand recognition and loyalty industry standard and will become increasingly important
among customers? for brands looking to stay competitive. This is why it is
Immersive content is effective for not only increas- essential for businesses of all sizes to consider incorpo-
ing conversion but also attracting a young, tech-savvy rating them into their marketing strategies.
audience. Brands can use immersive content in online The ice cream industry can benefit from this trend
marketing campaigns. Consumers are more likely to share by investing in quality 3D imaging solutions and thinking
interactive 3D and AR content than flat images, which outside the box when it comes to marketing strategies.
helps brands increase brand awareness in social media. Through innovative marketing strategies that incorporate
immersive experiences, ice cream brands can build rec-
What advice would you give ice cream companies ognition and loyalty among customers, as well as improve
looking to incorporate 3D visuals into their mar- customer retention and sales. As for all of us ice cream
keting strategies? lovers, this means more delicious experiences ahead!
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