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 What are the benefits of using 3D product imag-  We also like to conduct pilot projects and sometimes   ensuring their customers had an accurate understand-
 ing for ice cream businesses?  provide technology support to creative companies.  ing of each product.
 Attractive  content  has  a  direct  impact  on  sales,      Since embedding 3D product images into the online
 especially when it comes to improving online conversion   Can you give us some examples of how business-  catalog, the brand has noticed that customers spend an
 rates. High-quality 3D  images of ice cream make it look   es have used your services to improve their over-  average of 19 seconds more time browsing products and
 so real you can almost taste it, leading to an increase in   all customer satisfaction and sales?  26 seconds more on the most popular bags. The more
 purchase intention and consequently, online sales. After   A great example of how a brand can use 3D prod-  time a customer spends in a shopping environment, the
 embedding  interactive  3D  product  images  into  online   uct images to improve customer experience and online   higher purchase probability is, so immersive content is
 catalogs,  our  clients  see  a  significant  growth  in  their   sales is Claris Virot’s online store. Claris Virot focuses   an effective tool to increase online conversion.
 add-to-cart conversion rate.  on designing bags, purses, belts and footwear, most of   Footwear  brand  SHOES  53045  also  uses  our
            which are made of python, lizard, and croco leather.   solution  to  digitize  their  items  in  3D  and  provide
 How  can  interactive  3D  visuals  help  customers   It’s essential for the brand to allow online shoppers to   consumers  with  high-quality  visual  content.  After
 engage emotionally with an ice cream brand?  study every detail of their unique products. The brand   embedding interactive 3D visuals of shoes in its on-
 3D visuals allow consumers to interact with prod-  digitized  items  in 3D with the  help of the  Cappasity   line store, the brand managed to improve customer
 ucts  like  they  would  in  real  life:  they  can  change  the   platform and embedded interactive 3D product images   engagement.  The  average  time  an  online  shopper
 angle of perception and zoom in to examine the texture   into their online store. Immersive content helped the   spends on a product page has been improved by 18%
 and decoration of a dish in detail. This interactivity of   brand  build  purchase  confidence  and  enthusiasm  by   thanks to interactive 3D images.
 immersive content makes the customer experience more
 engaging  and  memorable,  which  helps  you  build  an
 emotional connection with your audience and stand out
 from the competition.

 How would you suggest using AR as a marketing
 tool for ice cream businesses?
 You can create an AR hologram of ice cream and use
 it in the menu, marketing materials or on the company’s
 website to make them more interactive and appealing for
 customers. Augmented Reality allows consumers to place
 dishes into a real life environment, making the customer
 experience more engaging and informative. For instance,
 if you add AR holograms to a delivery app, your custom-
 ers  will  better  visualize  the  dishes  and  have  the  right
 expectations from your products.

 What are some of the biggest challenges facing
 3D product imaging for ice cream?
 Q&A  You  are  one  of  the  first   short time window to work with. Everyone needs to act
 When you shoot melting ice cream, you have a very
 companies  to  shoot  ice
 cream  in  3D.  What  was
 the  inspiration  behind   fast and have paper towels ready. Luckily, with Cappasi-
 ty  it  takes  you  only  40  seconds  to  shoot  an  item  in  a
 this photoshoot?  studio. In total, it takes only 3 minutes to complete the
 Our company provides the first end-to-end solution   entire process of 3D content production, including shoot-
 for the fast production, easy embedding, and powerful   ing an item, digitizing it in 3D and embedding the result-
 analysis of 3D and AR content. Our tools help to deliver   ing 3D content into a website.
 immersive online viewing experiences for the premium
 segment, mostly for e-commerce. But we also think that   What kind of support does Cappasity provide to
 the application of this technology is commercially valu-  businesses that use its platform?
 able  in the food industry. Ice cream is a visually appeal-  We  educate  brands  and  photo  studios  in  how  to
 ing  product,  and  we  did  a  professional  photoshoot  to   create high-quality immersive content, give advice on
 show what a 3D visual of ice cream can look like if you   equipment necessary for shooting, and help them inte-
 use our technology.  grate the resulting content into their websites and apps.

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