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In 2019, renowned packaging manufacturer Stanpac
made its debut launch of an innovative plant-based pack-
aging alternative to the ice cream market, partnered with
family-owned dairy-free ice cream Coconut Bliss. Many
have then joined, from big names like Oatly to family-run
business brands such as Nada Moo! and La Monarca Mi-
choacana, to use this new sustainable packaging. “Our
customers are the driving force behind our continued
innovation,” said Murray Bain, Vice-President of Market-
ing at Stanpac. “When Coconut Bliss approached us with
their rebranding project, we knew this would be a perfect
match for a world where the desire for eco-friendly pack-
aging is ever-increasing. We always want to ensure we’re
treating the environment in the most careful way we can.”
Stanpac’s new technology is called Sentinel™ Re-
newable Ice Cream Paperboard. Produced by Evergreen
Packaging, the new ice cream package uses a renewable
resource that does not use any food source, such as Poly-
lactic Acid, which is now common in most food packaging.
Instead, Stanpac uses a plant-based paperboard coated
with bio-resin Polyethylene made from sugar cane. This
packaging, according to Stanpac, performs the same way
as traditional ice cream packaging.
Being sustainable and environmentally friendly is
important, but maintaining the entire function of an ice
cream container in a freezer environment is even more
crucial. Making biodegradable packaging for ice cream
is, in fact, a tricky one. Hi-density Polyethylene, or HDPE,
is currently widely used for ice cream containers and lids.
It is flexible, robust, impact resistant, and can be formu-
lated to withstand cold temperatures very well. It is also © Sacred Serve
lightweight, which makes it easier for transport and de-
livery. Moreover, the outside plastic film can also be
customized with beautiful patterns or graphics to help
attract customers in freezers or on shelves. Apart from ties. Not only do professional suppliers put effort into “It’s no secret what plastic waste has done to our industrial environments, and 100% biodegradable in
the most common ice cream tubs, Polyethylene is also developing paper-based packaging, but so do small environment and the health of all those who inhabit marine and soil. It is also certified as being free of any
used for ice cream cones and bars. Typically, ice cream businesses that have strong faith in social responsibili- it, including humans,” Donewald says. “Microplastics harmful or toxic substances.
cone wrappers are made of paper covered with a layer of ty. Sacred Serve, a four-year-old company producing are becoming a huge environmental and health con- Moreover, the new packaging is not only designed
Polyethylene. This thin plastic layer makes the wrapper handcrafted, plant-based gelato, is on a mission to prove cern as well, and I believe it’s extremely important to be eco-friendly from a material point of view, it also
impermeable to protect the ice cream and prevent the that “all food can, and should, be more healing than to remove this from the supply chain entirely. The has a creative outlook. Donewald describes the package
melt from getting a mess on the hands. harmful to both our bodies as well as the planet.” The bulk of plastic found in the environment is from CPG as a “cross between a noodle-box top and a traditional
Stanpac innovated the sugar cane polyethylene for company not only serves vegan ice cream, but they are packaging waste.” ice-cream tub bottom.” The innovative look is not a
the tubs to make the moisture barrier properties still the also conscious of the environmental impact of the pack- The new plastic-free packaging is a collaboration flamboyant marketing trick but for a good reason. Do-
same as the traditional packaging. And Nissha Metallizing aging to align with its goal of protecting the earth. In with U.K.-based packaging producer Delipac. The com- newald says the one-piece carton was also chosen be-
Solutions, a manufacturer that focuses on metalized 2021, Sacred Serve launched a 100%-recyclable paper pany spent eight years researching and developing cause the design reduces the amount of packaging
packaging solutions, also invented metalizing paper to carton with no plastic inside. plastic-free, paperboard packaging for food and bever- versus a traditional pint container, eliminating the need
fill the ice cream cone, through maximizing the technical Previously, Sacred Serve’s paper-based packaging ages and has won a few international awards for inno- for a separate lid.
characteristics of the paper, such as the thickness of the used a polyethylene coating to protect the frozen products vative Eco packs. The Sacred Serve’s new 10-oz carton Looking back on the journey to develop this cre-
paper, to make sure it could stand for all kinds of the from moisture and withstand freezer temperature, which is made from a 100% virgin-fiber, food-grade paper- ative eco-friendly packaging, Donewald realizes she
environment along the supply chain. means the packaging could not be fully recycled. After board with a food-safe, water-based barrier coating. has been through a lot of frustration and put in so much
Paper-based ice cream packaging is probably one persistent effort and frustration, founder and CEO Kailey The material is certified as being 100% recyclable in effort. Finding perfect sustainable, plastic-free pack-
of the most significant trends for eco-friendly proper- Donewald finally got the perfect sustainable packaging. any waste stream, 100% compostable in both home and aging for ice cream is, in fact, challenging.
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