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A Robust Future for Sustainable Ice Cream
Though the market for biodegradable packaging is
still relatively niche and small at the moment, we still see
much faith being put into it from manufacturers, pack-
aging professionals, ice cream vendors, and the general
public. According to Current Sustainable Solutions, the
market for biodegradable food packaging is growing at a
much faster rate than the food packaging market as a
whole, with closer to 2 million tons/year for the biode-
gradable market currently.
Biodegradable packaging is expected to become more
common in the near future. “It seems we learn about new
and exciting packaging innovations every day, so it is
clear that this is an industry in the process of rapid tran-
sition. It is only a matter of time before new sustainable
packaging technologies significantly displace convention-
“I first learned there were no plastic-free, sustainable al packaging. Biodegradable packaging will be an exciting
options when I was sourcing our very first packaging,” Do- field to watch change over our lifetimes, and the best
newald explains. “I worked tirelessly to find an alternative. solutions will likely come from unexpected places!” said
I wound up finding various solutions that were plant-based Hilbert and Blanquett.
or contained less plastic, but nothing truly plastic-free. I In the ice cream industry, we see more companies
also struggled at the time as our old packaging supplier was and businesses lean towards biodegradable packaging.
unwilling to work with the upgraded paperboard I was Having made the switch to the 100% recyclable ice cream
wanting due to our limited quantities as an emerging brand.” carton, Sacred Serve is committed to educating consum-
The leading biodegradable bioplastics today still face ers on the sustainability of its carton and the non-recy-
many more challenges, especially the high price, limited clability of traditional ice cream containers, through
availability, and limitations on physical properties, as Hilbert their products directly and through other ways such as
and Blanquett indicate. In addition, they added, the global their official website and social media. Donewald says
standards for biodegradation and compostability are not consumers are incredibly excited about the new pack-
consistent at the moment, making it very difficult for new aging, and retail buyers have quickly embraced the
materials to enter markets compliantly. company due to this innovation.
Furthermore, the question of whether a biodegradable Other leading companies like Huhtamaki are also
package is actually better than a conventional plastic pack- ambitious to become the first choice in sustainable pack-
age is still under discussion. In fact, conventional plastics aging solutions and be responsible for educating their
almost always require much less total energy and resources consumers. In addition to keeping on getting innovative
in terms of life cycle analysis. Even though we all have a on biodegradable packaging, they also put QR codes on
negative impression of how plastic pollutes our environment, their packages, hoping to help the consumers increase
let’s still keep in mind that plastic was first introduced as their understanding of sustainability benefits. “Connected
being environmentally-friendly due to its durable and per- Packaging is part of Huhtamaki’s digitalization strategy to
sistent feature. provide a communication and marketing platform for
Hilbert and Blanquett reckon “It remains crucial to customers, to support consumer education, and enable
focus on driving an evidence-based discussion to deliver data improved waste management through increased recycling,”
on the value of packaging in terms of hygiene, food safety, said Kevin Gunning, Senior Vice President - Consumer
food availability, and food waste prevention. Furthermore, Goods, Huhtamaki North America.
brand owners and manufacturers must actively track the Beyond all doubt, the future of ice cream packaging
early stages of regulatory initiatives and potential regulatory can only become greener. While we try very hard to make
changes to reflect these in developing and commercializing the ice cream packaging with better qualities to prevent
their products and solutions. The limited global production the ice treats from melting when served, we are also
capacity of biodegradable alternatives will likely still take looking forward to seeing the packaging melting perfect-
decades to catch up with that of conventional materials.” ly after being consumed.
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