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          Convenience as a Useful Tool                   come a useful tool to introduce more people to specialty
                                                         coffee? I believe it can. Think of a truck driver for example.
              There  are  a  few  key  consumer  trends  that  have   For some specialty coffee companies it might not seem an
          emerged in recent years that show a  clear preference for   obvious target group. But why shouldn’t it be? It is highly
          convenience when it comes to coffee. The emergence of   likely that a truck driver will buy their coffee from a petrol
          single-serve coffee makers and coffee pods is one such   station or a fast food outlet, while on the road. If they were
          trend. Consumers can simply place a coffee pod in their   offered the chance to buy specialty coffee that is just as
          machine and have a fresh cup of coffee in seconds. This   convenient, but of a higher quality, there is a good chance
          is a major time saver for people who are rushing out the   they would take it.
          door in the morning.
              Another key trend is the rise of ready-to-drink (RTD)
          coffee. These are coffee drinks that come in bottles or cans
          and have become increasingly popular in recent years, es-
          pecially among younger consumers. More and more coffee
          brands are launching RTD products as a way to meet the
          demand for convenient, grab-and-go coffee options. Finally,
          the rise of coffee on tap is another trend that favors conve-
          nience. Many consumers are starting to discover  the world
          of coffee on tap, which is a system where coffee is brewed
          and stored in kegs and served from a tap. From nitro cold
 The Marketing Recipe for  sentially try to appeal to a new, more
 Disaster  discerning customer base by promoting   brews to nitro lattes, coffee on tap is becoming increasing-
          ly popular, as more and more coffee shops invest in these
 a coffee experience that is more premi-
          systems to meet consumer demand.
 Unfortunately, the specialty coffee   um, more elevated, and more sophisti-
              The  pandemic  also  had  an  impact  on  how  people
 industry has a bit of a marketing problem.   cated. These companies are counting on
          purchase and consume coffee. For many, convenience is
 If you consider what marketing does, it’s   the fact that most people don’t really
          now more important than ever. With more people work-
 not hard to see how this could be the case.   know what specialty coffee is, or how to
          ing from home, there has been an increase in demand for
 Marketing is, at its core, about creating and   tell the difference between specialty and
          at-home coffee solutions that are easy to use and require
 telling stories. It’s about creating an emo-  commodity coffee.
          minimal effort. Services such as contactless pickup and
 tional connection between a product and   Then, of course, you also have gre-
          fast delivery have also become more popular as consum-
 a consumer. Why? Because emotions drive buying decisions.   enwashing practices. This is when a company tries to make
          ers look for ways to minimize contact and get their coffee
 This is why you see so many commercials that try to tug at your   themselves appear more environmentally friendly than they ac-
          fix without leaving home.
 heartstrings. They are trying to create an emotional connection   tually are. They might do this by using recycled materials, or by
              A  recent  study  by  Deloitte,  found  that
 between you and the product. And it’s not just commercials;   planting a few trees. It’s a way of trying to distract from their
          about four-fifths of consumers value conve-
 any type of marketing, from social media ads to billboards, is   actual environmental impact. And sadly, it’s something that is all
          nience even more now than before COVID-19,
 trying to do the same thing.  too common in the coffee industry. All of this contributes to the
          and more than four-fifths of consumers ex-
 Generations change and marketing is evolving with them.   confusion around what specialty coffee is, and it makes it difficult
          pect flexible shipping and fulfillment options,
 Companies are getting better and better at using data to target   for consumers to know which coffees are actually worth their
          like  BOPIS  (Buy  Online,  Pick  Up  In-Store),
 their marketing messages. This is why you see ads for products   time and money.
          from retailers. Another study from ecommerce
 that you were just talking about with your friends, or why you   Depending on which generation you belong to, you have
          automation platform, Linnworks, found that for almost half
 get served ads for things that you have been searching for   been raised  with different ideas about what coffee is and what
          of customers surveyed, convenience was more important
 online. The problem with specialty coffee is that it is still a very   it should be. Like I mentioned above, it is not easy to break a
          than price when it came to choosing a retailer. In addition,
 new concept in comparison to how long people have been   habit, which is why some view specialty coffee as a niche
          the study found that 76% of consumers cite convenience as
 drinking coffee. Most people in the world are used to certain   market that focuses on specific demographics, such as young
          their e-commerce top priority consideration more now than
 types of drinks based on culture and traditions and they are   generations. The reality is that specialty coffee is for everyone,
          before Covid restrictions.
 also used to buying certain coffee brands. So, if that coffee   but it is not marketed as such. And this is a problem, because
              In the coffee sector, convenience can take many dif-
 brand decides to throw ingredients like cultural significance,   it alienates potential customers and creates an elitist image that
          ferent  forms.  It  could  be  a  quick  and  easy  way  to  make
 brand retention practices and specialty coffee in a blender,   is difficult to shake. “Any change takes time. No one will change
          coffee at home, or it could be a coffee shop that has a drive
 what you get is a confusing mess.  the mind of a consumer if they dictate to them what they need
          thru. What convenience means to each customer type will
 And that’s exactly what has happened. In recent years,   to do, but if you provide information in a relatable way and
          be different. What is important is that businesses understand
 there has been a trend of coffee companies labeling their cof-  give them the space to make their own decisions, you might
          the needs of their target consumers. Can convenience be-
 fee as “specialty” when, in reality, it is anything but. They es-  just be able to make a difference,“ Silvia points out.
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