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boomers, the generation born after World War II, grew up with more likely to respond to ads that focus on the health benefits
instant coffee and many of them continue to drink it today. of coffee. Millennials, on the other hand, are more likely to be
In the second half of the 20th century, coffee became interested in ads that focus on the experience of drinking
even more popular. This was in part due to the rise of the youth coffee. They want to know where their coffee comes from and
culture and the counterculture movement. Coffee shops became how it was made. I think the issue with understanding special-
hip places for young people to gather and socialize. The coffee ty coffee’s true value starts with a clash between questionable
culture started to develop and different brewing methods and marketing practices and an overload of information.
coffee styles started taking off. Generation X, the generation
born in the 1960s and 1970s, was the first to really embrace
coffee as a lifestyle. This is when coffeehouses started appear-
ing on every corner and coffee became an integral part of
popular culture.
Generation Y, also known as the Millennials, is the most
recent generation to come of age. I am a part of this generation,
and I can say with certainty that coffee is more popular than
ever before. We are constantly on the go and always connected.
Coffee is the perfect drink for us since it provides a quick en-
ergy boost when we need it. Some of us are also willing to pay
more for higher quality coffee, as we appreciate the complex-
ities of different flavors and brewing methods. We are also
more likely to frequent coffee shops that have a unique atmo-
sphere and offer a variety of drinks and food.
A Sip of History tities of beans at once. This made coffee more affordable and ac- Convenience is also another big thing for us. Millennials
cessible than ever before. At the same time, the colonial powers are always looking for ways to save time, and that includes our
Coffee has been consumed for centuries, with the first were actively promoting coffee production in their colonies in coffee habits. Single serve coffee makers like Keurig and Ne-
recorded instance of its use dating back to the 15th century. At order to increase trade. This led to a further increase in the avail- spresso have become very popular in recent years as they allow
that time, coffee was primarily consumed in the Middle East ability of coffee around the world. for a quick cup of coffee without any hassle. Many of us also
and Africa. It wasn’t until the 17th century that coffee started By the early 20th century, coffee was part of many prefer to drink our coffee on the go, which is why to-go cups
to become popular in Europe, thanks to traders who had brought people’s diets. The daily routine of many people started to and travel mugs are so popular. The next generation, Generation
it back from their travels. change due to their new jobs in factories. Coffee became a Z, is just starting to come of age in recent years. They are dig-
In the early days, coffee was mostly consumed for its way to get a much needed energy boost in order to make it ital natives who have grown up with technology constantly at
caffeine properties. It was seen as a way to stay awake and through the day. Back then, there was mainly one method of their fingertips. They are used to getting what they want, when
alert, and was often used by monks who needed to stay up preparation—boiling the coffee grounds in water. This result- they want it. This generation is likely to continue the trend of
late to pray. Over time, coffee became more widely available ed in a very strong and bitter cup of coffee since people were convenience when it comes to coffee. Alongside with Millen-
and its popularity began to grow. It became a staple. As roasting their coffee very dark. It was not a matter of choos- nials they also have high expectations from brands regarding
coffee became more popular, different ways of preparing it ing dark over light roasts back then, but rather a question of sustainability and ethical practices.
started to emerge. In the 18th century, coffeehouses became how to make coffee less bitter. This is when milk and sugar It is evident that coffee has undergone a major transfor-
popular in Europe, providing a place for people to gather and started to be added to coffee in order to offset the bitterness. mation in the last century. What started out as a simple drink
socialize over a cup of coffee. It was during this time that The industrial revolution also brought about the invention made from boiled water and darkly roasted coffee beans has
coffee started to be viewed as a luxury item. Access to coffee of the espresso machine in the late 19th century. However, it now become a complex and diverse beverage enjoyed by peo-
was often limited to the wealthy, who could afford to purchase was only in the 1950s that espresso started to become popular. ple all over the world. So, with all this popularity, why shouldn’t
it. From a social standpoint, men were the ones who typically This was due to a number of factors, including the rise of Ital- specialty coffee be able to enter people’s homes and daily lives?
frequented coffeehouses and women were not seen as being ian immigration to the US, as well as the popularity of Italian At this point it is important to understand how hard it is to
particularly interested in coffee. culture and cuisine. The espresso machine allowed for a much change a habit. Considering the facts above, can you expect a
Mid-18th century saw the events of the first industrial quicker way to prepare coffee, and the resulting cup of coffee Baby Boomer to start drinking a single origin cold brew coffee?
revolution. This led to a growth in technological advancements was much less bitter than boiled coffee. Probably not. It is more likely that they will stick to their tried
and an increase in trade. Coffee started to be exported to different The 20th century also saw two world wars, which led to a and true instant coffee. On the other hand, a Millennial is more
parts of the world, making it more accessible to a wider range of rise in the popularity of instant coffee. This was because instant likely to be open to trying new things, which is why they are
people. The second industrial revolution, which took place in the coffee was easy to transport and didn’t require any specialized more likely to experiment with different brewing methods and
mid-19th century, saw even more advances in technology and equipment to prepare. It was also a lot easier to ration during coffee styles.
transportation. The result was a rise of mass-produced coffee, as wartime. After the wars, instant coffee became increasingly pop- Isn’t it then important to consider what each generation
new technologies made it possible to roast and grind large quan- ular as a faster and cheaper alternative to brewed coffee. Baby values when marketing coffee? For example, Baby Boomers are
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