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                                                                                                                                By working towards a more sustainable and
                                                                                                                             ethical coffee industry, we can create a sys-

                                                                                                                                                       tem that is fair for all involved.

         The freedom to grab coffee anytime is a

         privilege that many people take for granted.

         The Freedom of Grabbing Coffee Anytime         alternatives. Moreover, some of them might not even have       which are becoming increasingly important to consum-  a greater understanding of the coffee they are drinking
                                                        access to clean water, let alone specialty coffee.             ers. And if specialty coffee companies appeal to conve-  and  allow  them  to  make  more  informed  choices.  By
             Accessibility to coffee is not something questionable   The freedom to grab coffee anytime is a privilege that   nient-minded  consumers,  they  have  the  potential  to   providing them with this knowledge, they will be more
         these days, at least not for the developed countries. It’s   many people take for granted. It’s something that should   reach a whole new group of people with their message.   likely to purchase  specialty coffee  in  the  future.  Fur-
         everywhere; supermarkets, malls, petrol stations, and even   be enjoyed by everyone, not just those who can afford it.   The reality is that they have to battle many big players   thermore, education can help to create a more sustain-
         some coffee shops are open 24/7. You can have it anytime   So how can we make specialty coffee more accessible to   that have been in the market for decades and know how   able and ethical industry by teaching consumers about
         you want without much hassle. The whole process is quite   everyone?  By  working  towards  a  more  sustainable  and   to  use  marketing    and  advertising  to  their  advantage.   the importance of supporting these types of businesses.
         simple and straightforward. You are pretty much free to   ethical coffee industry, we can create a system that is fair   But specialty coffee companies who stand by the true   For the specialty coffee industry, consumer education
         grab  coffee  anytime    you  want.  But  does  this  freedom   for all involved. This includes the farmers, the workers,   values  of  their  product,  have  one  more  card  up  their   can lead to increased sales and growth. In addition, it
         exist across the whole coffee value chain? Unfortunately,   the roasters, and the consumers. When everyone is treat-  sleeve: education.                    can  help  to  build  trust  between  the  industry  and  the
         the answer is no. Many developing countries and coffee   ed fairly and with respect, it creates a positive ripple effect   There are many benefits to consumer education,   consumers,  since  specialty  coffee  companies  that  are
         producing nations do not drink coffee as it is too expensive   that  benefits  everyone  involved.  Specialty  coffee  rep-  both for the consumer and for the specialty coffee in-  transparent about their practices and willing to educate
         for them. They usually opt for tea or other less expensive   resents values such as sustainability and transparency,   dustry. For consumers, education can provide them with   consumers are more likely to be seen as trustworthy.

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