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aries of what ice cream can be, and in doing so, have creat- The Third Narrative of Ice Cream
ed a whole new experience for those who visit their store.
“When Giapo Ice Cream was born, we believed ice With the help of ingenuity and imagination, the duo has added three new dimensions to ice cream:
1) They offer a new way to consume it that isn’t just a normal cone, cup, or tub.
cream was our canvas and little by little, through the sparks
2) They offer a different function than simply eating it from the get-go.
of a new vision, trust, creativity, and belief in our minds, 3) The whole experience expresses something that transcends food.
our vision became a reality” Giapo says. “We knew we had
created something that had not been done before.”
The Two Most Important Ingredients
Beyond the ingredients that go into their ice cream,
there are two other key ingredients that Giapo and Ann-
arosa believe make their business successful: ingenuity
and imagination. These two elements helped the couple
transcend the traditional ice cream experience and turn
it into something more than just food.
They started by looking at the function of ice cream,
rather than just the flavours, ingredients and methods of
churning, “By changing the most essential characteristics
of ice cream to alter its function, we took a leap of faith,”
Giapo says. With the help of ingenuity and imagination,
the duo has added three new dimensions to ice cream:
1 They offer a new way to consume it that isn’t just
a normal cone, cup, or tub.
2. They offer a different function than simply eating
it from the get-go.
3. The whole experience expresses something that
transcends food.
Giapo and Annarosa view American ice cream and
Italian gelato, as the first and second narratives of ice
cream, the pioneers that made it the most popular dessert
in the world. Their work at Giapo has been built on these
Normal Ice Cream Is Boring foundations to create what they see as the third narrative
of ice cream.
This is the phrase you will be faced with if you search
for Giapo Ice Cream on the internet. To Giapo and Annaro- The Third Narrative of Ice Cream
sa, both partners in life and business, the traditional ice
cream experience is simply not enough. They believe that By adding these three new dimensions to ice cream,
ice cream can be so much more than ingredients, flavours, Giapo and Annarosa have created a whole new experience
and churning methods, so they started coming up with new for their customers. The duo actually used to attend art school
ways to present this treat to the public. together in Italy and, for them, sculptures were always their
Giapo thinks back to how it all started, when Ann- favourite things to create and admire. As for inspiration,
arosa and him could not find the right spot in Auckland Giapo says, it can come from anywhere. Their first success-
to open a restaurant, “We decided to start a business in ful game changer was their now famous “Selfie Cone”.
a smaller space than we had initially intended and we Giapo explains that the inspiration for it came from
eventually chose to focus on ice cream. Neither of us had social media trends, “As a celebration of the selfie culture
any experience with ice cream when we started. Life can and observing the people around us, I wanted to formulate
be funny that way.” an idea that celebrates social media trends. We noticed
From using liquid nitrogen and vacuum forming, to that our customers would often take selfies with their ice
3D printing, to creating “haute couture” designs inspired by cream. So, we wanted to make things easier. The result
works of art and everyday life, they have pushed the bound- was our Selfie Cone.”
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