Page 85 - CTI84_EN
P. 85
C Shanghai
In 1876, coffee advertisements
appeared in the newspaper Shun Pao.
This shows that by 1876 at the latest,
coffee had been the daily food of
Shanghai people, when western
restaurants in Shanghai used coffee as a
way to attract customers. In 1886, the Fresh Beans Bring New Neighbors
first independent cafe in Shanghai
From the professional analysis based on finely collect -
ed d at a to t he p e r s on a l ex p e r ie nce of wa nde r i n g a ro u nd
l a ne s a nd s t ree t s , s p ec i a l t y cof fee i n S h a n g h a i no do ub t
head s the li st in Chi na, defined by its world-cl a ss dens e
cafes, high consumption per capita and varied flavors.
Ac c o r d i n g t o S h a n g h a i C o f f e e C o n s u m p t i o n I n d e x ,
Shangh a i bo a sts some 6,9 13 chain coffee brand store s and
independent cafes, way more than the number in New York,
L o n d o n , To k yo a n d o t h e r f i r s t - t i e r c i t i e s i n t h e wo r l d .
Wi t hin the co untr y, Sha ngha i owns twice a s many cafes as
Gu a n g z hou and t wo - t h ird s more t han B eij ing. Here, t hos e
i nte rnational br ands h ave set roo t s since early days and
expanded their prese nce to middle- and ou te r-rin gs. New
non-domestic brands still take central districts like Huang-
pu, Jing’an and Xuhui as their first destinations. For ex -
a m ple , L ava z z a f rom It a ly, C of fee L ibre f rom Kore a a nd
B lue Bo t t le wh ich f inally enter s Chin a become new f lavor
landmarks in these districts.
Among the 4,239 independent cafes, new stores mush -
room at a biannual, month ly or even weekly pace. Jin g ’an
Te mple, the shared sp ace for off ice i nhabitants, to ur ists
and community households, witnesses the advent and ef -
forts of many coffee profess iona ls.
After the reform and opening up, many
international coffee brands, have
located their first store in China in
Shanghai station, Japanese coffee chain
brand Doutor Coffee, Canadian coffee
brand Tim Hortons, American coffee
chain brand Peet’s Coffee, etc.
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