Page 90 - CTI84_EN
P. 90


           No. 849 Kangding Road
           Line 7 @ Changping Road Station
           Mon. - Fri. 11:00 - 18:00, Weekend 12:00 - 18:00

                                           the others

            Passing by the red bricks, white wall and the simple   like love. The “Morning Dew”, with Fujian golden osman-
        blue  design,  you  have  to  halt  in  front  of  “the  others”.   thus as base, is topped with “dew” that emits the exalted
        Offering special tea drink, the store is divided into 2 zones:   aroma of jasmine flowers. Have a sip, and the sweetness
        order zone with no seats, allowing you to witness at the   of Yugu Melon follows, reminding you of the favorite bite
        bar counter how the drink is created; the white, long zone   in summer. The “Southern Exorcist” is mysterious enough
        on  the  right  side  is  for  savoring  the  drink,  taking  cues   with its name. With the tropical fruit flavors and herbal
        from Dali’s works. We visited the restaurant at its trial   notes of Yunnan cold brew, along with the sweet sourness
        operation,  when  the  menu  included  5  creative  tea  and   of passion fruit, the citrus flavor of gin, verbena water
        coffee drinks. Holding the “Beautiful Moonlight Tonight”   and verbena-flavored coconut milk foam, the drink brings
        in hand, you can see the clear yellow tea is very much like   a unique botanical fragrance. In addition to the regular
        the bright moonlight. Through the sour foam with pista-  coffee experience, the store delicately offers name cards
        chio  aroma,  the  tea  fragrance  of  moonlight  white  tea   of drinks with similar botanical scent. You can feel every-
        dances with the milky fragrance of fig leaves on the little   thing is wholehearted, in the drink itself, in the experience
        spicy stage of pepper sprinkled on the top. It indeed tastes   and in the atmosphere.

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