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                                                        since  November  12,  2021.  There  are  signs  that  market
                                                        participants are liquidating positions in commodities to fill
                                                        margin calls on other financial investments on hand that
                                                        have soared due to the war. A rebound in stocks monitored
                                                        by  ICE  Futures  Exchange  eased  concerns  about  further
                                                        depletion  of  green  coffee  and  the  impact  of  the  Rus-
                                                        sia-Ukraine war on the European economy and inflation
                                                        concerns slowed European demand.
                                                            The  macro  economy  was  just  stabilizing  after  the
                                                        COVID-19 impact until the market started to get intense
                                                        again due to Russia-Ukraine war. The yield on the 10-year
                                                        U.S. Treasury note fell to less than 1.80 percent. Oil traded
                                                        near $110 US Dollar a barrel, having increased by as much
                                                        as 4.8 percent. Gold held steady, the dollar rose but the
                                                        euro  slipped.  Rising  prices  of  commodity  and  energy,
            At  the  end  of  January,  the  NCA  webinar  industry   slowing global growth and soaring inflation weighed on the
        seminar on coffee market trends in the United States men-  global  economic  prospect.  Obviously,  the  Russian  and
        tioned the prediction of the inability of global coffee supply   Ukraine  war  will  have  a  knock-on  effect,  which  is  very
        meeting the global demand by 2050. The global demand is   detrimental to the supply chain,  and those changes may
        expected to grow by 3 percent per year. As an emerging   affect coffee stocks at destination, rerouting of containers
        market, the Asia-Pacific region should be the main force in   and ships, etc. João Guilherme Prata Pereira, chief trader
        terms of growth. More current tea drinkers are switching   at Pratapereira Comercio Importacao e Exportacao de Cafe
        from tea to coffee, including the Chinese market, which is   LTDA, a trading company in the Brazilian state of Minas
        growing  strongly.  Factors  such  as  increased  disposable   Gerais, told Bloomberg that due to sanctions imposed on
        income, the continuous rise of coffee culture, rapidly ex-  Russia by Europe and the United States, Brazilian exporters
        panding  number  of  cafes,  together  with  the  increasing   are canceling their Russian and Ukrainian contracts and
        demand  for  high-quality  coffees  are  important  driving   shipping lines are also canceling or not taking bookings for
        forces for the development of the market.       the regions. He said hedge funds may be reallocating some
                                                        of their portfolios into better-performing assets, such as
        A New Concept of Artificial Coffee              grains and metals, because of the chaos caused by the war.
                                                        More of the impact of Western sanctions on Russia is only
            At  this  seminar,  I  also  learnt  about  the  brand  new   starting to emerge, with too much uncertainty surrounding
        concept of “Beanless Coffee Innovation” for the first time.   liquidity issues in trade and logistics, lost business, and a
        It’s an emerging area highlighted as interesting but probably   sweeping rewrite of trade rules and patterns.
        not “industry-changing,” referring to experimenting with
        lab-grown coffee. They think it is unlikely to be as success-  Market trends worthy of our attention
        ful as plant-based meat, because it may not necessarily be
        seen as a “solution” by consumers. The main reason is that   Bearish  factors:  Financial investors are in a safe-ha-
        plant-based meat is popular right now because consumers’   ven state given that commodity markets are under great
        primary motivation for buying meat alternatives is to feel   pressure; The increased prices will be passed on to the end
        healthier, rather than to consider environmental sustain-  consumers, with significant damage to Brazil, North Afri-
        ability or impact. Thus, it might mean that consumers are   ca and Eastern and Southern Europe; Depending on the
        more  concerned  about  whether  a  product  is  better  for   duration of the Russia-Ukraine war, there is a possibility
        themselves than being driven by sustainability, so lab-grown   of further damage to Robusta demand; Brazilian exports
        coffee may not necessarily have a market.       continue to grow.
                                                            Bullish  factors:  Arabica  and  Robusta  differential
        Coffee futures market trends forecast           prices are remaining firm; Global shipping conditions con-
                                                        tinue to deteriorate, coffee from origins cannot be delivered
            By  March  4th  ,  2022,  ICE  coffee  futures  fell  to  the   to destination in time while the demand for coffee increas-
        lowest since November 2021 as traders weighed the impact   es at destination; Supply of Arabica coffee is tight, especial-
        of the war in Ukraine on demand and the impact of soaring   ly Brazil and Colombia, which have confirmed a sharp re-
        fertilizer costs on the prospect of world coffee production.   duction in production for the new crop season; Demand
        May delivery on ICE coffee futures market fell 2.8 percent   resumes and grows as the impact of the COVID-19 pandem-
        and were settled at 222.9 cents per pound, the lowest level   ic lessens and people gradually return to work in the office.

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