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                                                                                                                     Making the most of each country’s strengths    his own understanding too about a product’s country
                                                                                                                                                                    of origin. He believes that the country of origin of a
         Taking user feedback and pain points as a                                                                       Melbourne, known as the coffee capital of the world,   product  by  itself  is  largely  irrelevant  in  the  grand
         source of innovation                                                                                        is the starting place of OPTION-O. The team members’ life   scheme of things. What they want to focus on doing
                                                                                                                     experience in Australia allows them to form a better under-  instead  is  to  manufacture  excellent  products  to  help
         2 years of constant development
                                                                                                                     standing  of  good  coffee  experience  as  they  are  already   their  customers  make  better  coffee,  and  that  goal  is
                                                                                                                     coffee enthusiasts. Coupled with the feedback from local   irrespective  of  where  they  are  located,  whether  in
             Development of a new product often involves the                                                         users, the team gain a better understanding of the require-  Melbourne,  China,  or  any  other  country.  By  the  end
         process of multiple iterations, trial and error, as well                                                    ments of a high-quality grinder.               of February 2022, more than 2,000 people are discuss-
         as further refinement through end user feedback. As                                                             Later, due to the demand of product manufactur-  ing OPTION-O’s products on forums, and recent dis-
         coffee enthusiasts, OPTION-O started out with some                                                          ing, Brook had returned to China as there are mature   cussions have been more focused on the usage expe-
         ideas based on the common pain points typically en-                                                         industry  supply  chain  and  factories  in  the  southern   rience of the products themselves. On crowdfunding
         countered  by  home  users.  The  ideas  were  then  con-                                                   Chinese  city  of  Shenzhen,  as  well  as  well-built  net-  platforms  like  Kickstarter,  many  products  have  also
         ceptualized  into  a  prototype  product  as  a  proof  of                                                  works of international logistics. In 2021, OPTION-O   started using OPTION-O’s products as a benchmark to
         concept,  before  being  finally  put  into  production.                                                    entered the Chinese market and launched its products   attract  more  buyers,  once  again  proving  the  country
         However, this is not the end of the journey. From 2016                                                      on the e-commerce platforms, Taobao and Tmall.  of origin of a product does not matter that much.
         to 2018, the OPTION-O team went through the process                                                                                                            “Back  to  coffee  itself,  I  believe  that  if  a  coffee
         of  grinder  development  and  product  testing  in  the                                                    Addressing the doubts                          is of high quality, people all over the world, no mat-
         background. There were many challenges in the pro-                                                                                                         ter  where  they  are,  will  find  it  tasty  too,  just  like
         cess. However, the more difficult challenge unexpect-                                                           In 2019, co-founder Hayden responded to a series   Geisha Coffee. Similarly, a well-built coffee grinder
         edly  came  from  outside  of  designing  the  grinder.  A                                                  of questions about the product on the coffee forums   will  perform  a  good  job  irrespective  of  the  country
         highly function-focused product such as OPTION-O’s                                                 and, including a   of the origin.” Brook said. By now, markets in more
         requires a high degree of coordination between design                                                       negative discussion about the “Made in China” label.  than  9  countries  have  chosen  OPTION-O’s  products
         and production, which meant the production require-                                                             In 2022, Brook addressed the issue again, giving   and multiple local distributors have been appointed
         ment also needs to work well within suppliers’ exist-                                                       a  similar  response  as  Hayden  in  2019,  “It’s  not  that   to facilitate a direct local customer service. In China,
         ing  process.  They  often  had  in-depth  and  repeated                                                    China can’t make good stuff, it just depends on who’s   some specialty cafes had also set up grinder-focused
         discussions with suppliers due to their tight require-                                                      executing  it.”  After  3  years,  we  can  verify  that  the   experience activities surrounding the LAGOM grind-
         ment  for  part  quality  (low  tolerance)  but  also  low                                                  “Made in China” label is not that important. Brook has   er series.
         production volume in the beginning.
             After  the  prototyping  process  was  completed,
         they  first  sent  it  to  coffee  enthusiasts  to  get  actual
         user experience and then made further improvements
         from there. LAGOM P64 is the first product launched
         by OPTION-O from the ground up, and is also one that
         Brook,  considers  to  be  the  most  cost-effective  and
         successful. Before LAGOM P64 was launched, the team
         had also made other attempts, with hand grinder REMI
         being  one  of  them.  Although  the  market  for  electric
         grinders is bigger compared to the hand grinder mar-
         ket,  a  hand  grinder  can  still  be  a  compelling  option
         and is more convenient in certain cases of application
         such  as  for  low-duty  home  use  or  camping.  REMI  is
         also designed with the same standards used to create
         the  LAGOM  series,  aiming  to  achieve  a  balance  be-
         tween price and quality.
             After LAGOM P64 was recognized by the market,
         OPTION-O continued to launch LAGOM Mini, LAGOM
         P100,  and  updated  REMI,  to  meet  consumer  needs  of
         different segments often based upon user feedback. At
         the same time, the company also did some co-branding
         activities to increase its outreach to potential users.

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