Page 38 - CTI84_EN
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                                                                                                                           无限场景 随时咖啡

        Iterating products with a spirit of crafts-     full control over the quality and assembly. LAGOM Mini’s
        manship                                         burr is developed by OPTION-O, and the team is current-
                                                        ly working on new iteration of burrs, hoping to give its
        Participatory design throughout                 users  more  options  and  tools  to  customize  the  coffee
                                                        experience to their preference.
            “Although the function of electric grinder is simple,
        there’s a lot of room for development. In addition, we do   Insist on originality
        have a group of coffee enthusiasts who are enthusiastic,
        keen  on  contributing  and  are  full  of  ideas.  So,  we  also   When talking about the meaning of the brand name,
        want to make it more fun.” Brook said.          Brook said, “‘OPTION’ stands for choice and ‘O’ stands
            Therefore,  the  OPTION-O  team  chose  to  promote   for many things, such as originality and starting point.”
        their  products  from  within  the  coffee-enthusiasts  user   As the name conveys, the team chose to start from scratch
        base from the beginning. As mentioned, before a product   to create original products, innovate and strive to improve
        went on for sale, they did a lot of internal testing among   all the time. It is the path we can clearly see from OP-
        the coffee enthusiasts. At the same time, even after the   TION-O’s development history. However, alerted by its
        product  was  launched,  this  practice  continued  through   users, the team found some 1:1 copied imitation products
        the entire process as they paid close attention to feedback   on the market. In a way, this demonstrates that the pos-
        from end users. Currently, based on user responses, they   itive effect the OPTION-O brand is having on the market
        are making more adjustments to LAGOM mini to allow it   and what they are doing is getting noticed. On the other
        to be flexible in various scenarios.            hand, it also showed that most customers still respect the
                                                        original design and maker. “We can see that there is some
        A more proactive approach to autonomy           space for growth in the industry and some may resort to
                                                        borrowing some concepts from existing products, which
            “It’s a very niche market, and the burrs that special-  is acceptable. But the act of 1:1 copying an existing prod-
        ize in pour over are often not suitable for espresso, and   uct is rather unethical.” Brook said. OPTION-O has ap-
        vice versa. But with a minimum required level of grinder   plied for a patent for its grinders.
        precision, even an espresso-focused burr will do an ac-  OPTION-O has provided us with a good idea and
        ceptable job for pour over.” Brook said.        a  benchmark  for  a  good  product.  The  team  has  not
            That is why high-precision has been the main focus   only found a balance between quality and price, but
        of  the  team  since  the  beginning.  Currently,  OPTION-O   also  between  grinding  technology  and  human-inter-
        has its in-house engineers to maintain the high precision   action experience. Good coffee beans deserve a good
        of its manufactured grinders, designers to curate a better   grind,  and  coffee  enthusiasts  deserve  a  better  con-
        product-user experience, and a self-owned factory to have   sumer experience.

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