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                                                         port  tool-less  disassembly  for  easy  cleaning,  as  deep
 Back to coffee itself, I believe                        cleaning can be done in a few minutes, even for inex-
                                                         perienced  users.  In  addition,  the  burrs  are  coated  to
 that if a coffee is of high                             reduce wear and heat generated during grinding, thus
                                                         allowing  the  burrs  to  last  longer,  up  to  5,000kg,  or
 quality, people all over the                            25,000 days at an average of 20 grams per day.
                                                             Looking beyond the superficial experience of using
 world, no matter where they are,                        the product, OPTION-O also aimed to convey an inter-
                                                         esting philosophy to its customers: a “perfect-simple”
 will find it tasty too, just like                       attitude  to  life.  This  “perfect-simple”  concept  has  a

 Geisha Coffee. Similarly, a well-                       special word in Swedish: LAGOM, which aligns well with
                                                         the  goal  and  values  OPTION-O  wanted  to  create,  and
 built coffee grinder will perform                       hence was chosen as the name for their electric coffee
                                                         grinder  series.  Currently,  there  are  3  models  in  the
 a good job irrespective of the                          LAGOM  series,  LAGOM  Mini  for  entry-level  users  or
                                                         for  home  use,  and  LAGOM  P64  and  P100  for  coffee
 country of the origin.                                  enthusiasts and cafe barista/owners.

                                                         The  higher  the  precision,  the  more  accurate  the
                                                         flavor: technical language of engineers

                                                             In recent years, coffee brewing has become more
                                                         of an informed science, rather than an art, in order to
                                                         find the best taste experience. This is evidenced by the
                                                         wide-spread  use  of  coffee  refractometers  to  measure
                                                         extraction  yield,  the  application  of  laser  particle  size
                                                         analyzer  to  characterize  coffee  ground’s  particle  size
                                                         distribution,  the  development  of  water  chemistry  to
                                                         identify the best brewing water, and so on.
 Unsurprisingly, this was how OPTION-O brand of   coffee experience – hence using a coffee grinder should   Similarly, in coffee grinding, it was found that the
 grinders  were  developed  too.  OPTION-O  was  first   not  be  complicated,  uncomfortable  nor  difficult.  In   more evenly ground the coffee beans are, the better the
 founded in Melbourne in 2016, with a vision to create   addition to the wonderful delicious flavor that comes   flavor  and  the  extraction  quality  appear  to  be.  To
 aesthetically-pleasing  coffee  grinders  that  not  only   with coffee, there are many other important factors too   achieve highly-uniform grind, a high precision and well-
 make delicious coffee, but also to provide years of re-  such as values, habits, emotions, preferences, etc., that   aligned grinder is required — the higher the precision
 liable service. The logo of OPTION-O brand represents   can make or break a great coffee experience.  of a grinder, the closer it can get to the full potential
 the  engineering  symbol  of  diameter  of  burr,  which,   As  OPTION-O  started  out  as  home  enthusiasts   of a particular burr set. To create a high-precision home
 interestingly as a fun fact, can also be typed out on an   themselves, they appeared to have understood well the   anodized aluminum and 304 stainless steel. The choice   grinder, all critical parts on LAGOM grinders are ma-
 Apple keyboard using the option key + o. “The burr is   need of consumers and what they look for in a coffee   of  material  was  to  ensure  high  surface  hardness  and   chined to a tolerance of <0.01mm (or 10 micron), which
 the most important part of a grinder, and we also ap-  grinder — it is precisely the concepts of “single dose”,   wear  resistance,  as  well  as  to  provide  a  stunning  aes-  is almost 10 times smaller than the thickness of a human
 preciate  Apple’s  philosophy  towards  their  products.”   “high precision”, “low (practically zero) retention” and   thetic  finish.  In  terms  of  retention  performance,  OP-  hair. In addition, some OPTION-O products adopted a
 said Brook Liu, the brand’s co-founder. With OPTION-O   “easy to use” that have gained them a loyal following   TION-O’s grinders are stated to have within 0.1 grams   unique  decoupled-shaft  design  with  high-precision
 currently  being  one  of  the  favored  choices  among  9   of customers. Generally speaking, there are four criti-  of retention, which is significantly less than most con-  bearings,  which  can  minimize  the  wobbling  of  inner
 major  markets  globally,  how  did  it  get  approved  by   cal  elements  when  it  comes  to  a  great  coffee  grinder   ventional  grinders,  typically  retaining  upwards  of  10   burr and to further improve the uniformity of grinding.
 consumers?  user experience: form factor, low retention, workflow,   grams. In the actual workflow, users only need to put   These features allow a near-perfect alignment on each
 and maintenance and cleaning.   in  the  desired  dose  of  coffee,  turn  on  the  switch  and   grinder that allows its users to easily achieve high cof-
 Exploring  form  and  function  with  hu-  In terms of form factor, OPTION-O’s grinders are   wait for a few moments for grinding to be completed.   fee-extraction  quality  and  thereby  a  faithful  flavor
 man-centered logic  mostly all-in-one design with a compact footprint. This   The  resulting  coffee  ground  is  often  highly-uniform,   representation of the coffee terroir and roast.
 is important for home users and is what distinguishes   fluffy and clump-free. The most attractive feature OP-  When  asked,  OPTION-O  aims  to  strike  a  balance
 Easy to use and focus on user experience: human   OPTION-O’s grinders from commercial grinders which   TION-O’s  grinders  are  that  the  alignment  is  designed   between  practicality  and  good  looks,  “We  know  the
 language of consumers   are often large and bulky, as the small footprint allows   to  be  permanent  and  there  is  no  need  to  realign  the   aesthetic of a grinder is important, but we also want to
 the grinder to easily fit in most home coffee bars. The   grinder even after a complete disassembly. In terms of   get the ‘easy to use’ aspect sorted out first before we
 Grinding coffee is a key process to attaining a great   main construction material of OPTION-O’s grinder are   maintenance  and  cleaning,  OPTION-O’s  grinders  sup-  go on to fulfill our goal of ‘looking good’.” Brook said.

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