Page 112 - CTI84_EN
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           Stay young and keep changing              They  believe  in  young  people  and
                                                 are more willing to use their own under-
               Liu and his team have set quite a big   standing to keep up with the trends. The
           definition  for  QUCHASHAN:  to  continu-  br a nd   u s e s   t he   rel at ion sh i p   b e t wee n
           ously optimize the professional content in   traditional tea and modern life to inter-
           the product brochure, explore the endless   pret the concept of “derived from every-
           vitality of traditional Chinese tea culture,   t h i n g   t h a t   i s   r a re ”,   b e l i ev i n g   i n   t h e
           and discover the beauty of everything from   power of the land and the gift of nature,
           the place of origin. With the brand vision   as  well  as  customers’  aspiration  for  a
           of “derived from everything that is rare”,   more beautiful taste. They are not blind
           the brand will make products more condu-  to the relationship between the current
           cive to health and closer to nature.  drinks and the “Chinese fad”. “I under-
               Over the past 22 years, regardless of   stand  that  people  are  digging  out  the
           its  achievements  and  influence,  QUCHA-  parts  of  Chinese  culture  that  they  like
           SHAN has maintained an up-to-date state   and  re-creating  them  with  a  newer,  ar-
           just as its brand concept, gradually becom-  tistic vision. Such cultural re-creations
           ing a “shopping centre” for all kinds of tea   are  in  line  with  the  aesthetics  of  the
           flavors. Whether it is the different catego-  contemporary world and thus become a
           ries represented by traditional tea drinks,   t re nd .   T h i s   i s   t he   s a me   w i t h   o u r   te a
           specialty  coffee,  mixed  tea  and  wine  and   making.” replies Liu, “Tea is part of Chi-
           local  snacks,  or  the  changing  consumer   ne s e   c u l t u re   a nd   wh at   we   h ave   b ee n
           needs and hot and cold experiences accord-  doing at QUCHASHAN is to tap into and
           ing to the four seasons, customers can al-  re-create this culture. Whether it is be-
           ways find the right product which echoes   coming a trend or not, we will continue
           with their current state at QUCHASHAN.  to work on this.”

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