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           style tea drinks,” says Liu, “or it is more than   different flavors. “The Chengdu Three-Can-
           that. Our target has been specialty tea drinks   on Ice Swirl is inspired by a local tradition-
           and  specialty  coffee  since  the  very  begin-  al  snack.  We  have  refined  the  ingredients,
           ning.”  As  of  now,  QUCHASHAN  offers  12   choosing glutinous rice made from the na-
           white-labeled and 6 black-labeled teas. The   tive rice seeds produced by the Dong people
           Pu’er  tea,  black  tea,  green  tea  and  matcha   in the mountains because their cultivation
           used in mixed drinks are high-quality mate-  methods have not changed for thousands of
           rials selected and tasted by the team which   years.” says Liu. “Many of the quality natu-
           personally visited the place of origin. Their   ral ingredients are not even well known to
           quality is ensured by the dual inspection of   the locals, and all we can do is to use some
           tea  gardens  and  QUCHASHAN,  and  some   of our product lines to let more people know
           come  with  a  great  brew  index  which  local   about  these  flavorsome  goodies  that  are
           tea farmers feel proud of.            hidden in the mountains.”
               Compared to those newcomers who go    What’s  more,  QUCHASHAN  offers
           back to sell tea because of the popularity of   some  cold  brew  tea  that  “only  adults  can
           foam tea, QUCHASHAN maintains a consis-  admire”, welcoming every experienced tea
           tent  attitude  towards  tea  leaves:  using  a   drinker to test the high quality of the leaves
           traditional brew method, selling tea leaves   and pure intention of the team.
           from their place of origin, and inheriting the
           flavor of Chinese tea. That’s why they design
           a tea drink menu suitable for customers of
           all ages, trying to mix tea with milk, juice,
           alcohol and other elements.
               Fresh milk tea is a pure crash between
           tea and milk. Born in a time when creamer
           was the main flavor of milk tea, “We tried
           all the milk we could find in the market and
           experimented  with  many  recipes,  in  order
 Tea drinks to taste   Never stop in some twenty years  In  2006,  the  powder  tea  drinks  –  once   to present nice milk tea made of fresh milk.”
 good, naturally, can not   the dominant choice in street stalls for stu-  After  that,  they  have  also  devoted  such  a
 be separated from the   passion  to  testing  the  water  for  brewing.
 source of good tea   The year of 2000 kicked off a new cen-  dents – started to stagger due to questions on   Now, every store is equipped with a scien-
 leaves.  tury and a new millennium. For Liu, it was a   the nutrition of popular vegetable fat powder.
 pivotal  starting  point.  In  that  year,  he  and   Therefore,  QUCHASHAN  replaced  creamer   tific purification system for water exclusive-
           ly for everyday brew.
 Wang Yu founded the tea drink store QUCHA-  with fresh milk. In 2008, milk tea temporar-
               They have also taken into account the
 SHAN  (宜北町),  a  20-square-meter  space   ily faded away among Chinese consumers who
           consumption  characteristics  of  youth  for
 loaded with the then-popular bubble tea and   advocated brewing tea by oneself, making tea
           novelty and easy recording on social media,
 a rest zone for customers. In 2022, the team   bags and flower-fruit tea a common item on
           designing a series of drinks with landscape
 with  the  brand-new  name  of  QUCHASHAN   shopping lists. In this context, QUCHASHA
           patterns. Taking cues from traditional Chi-
 has gone beyond the limit of the original stall   added traditional iron pot brew into its stores,
           nese ink paintings, different selected ingre-
 shop, evolving as a local brand with 16 inde-  inviting its customers to have a sip of culture.
           dients such as black sesame, fragrant gluti-
 pendent stores. “During the 22 years, we have   After 2010, the brand went beyond Guizhou
           nous rice and matcha are mashed together
 been working on how to make the brand more   and passed Chengdu and Chongqing to learn
           with ice cubes. The process draws out gra-
 popular,” claims Liu in his retrospect.  customs  in  Southwestern  China  and  collect
           dient layers, stacking up lines more poetic
 Though 16 is not a huge two-digit num-  detailed  market  feedback.  They  developed
           than tiger stripes, resembling natural scenes
 ber, it is heavy upon the shoulders of Liu and   new ideas about store type and bar counter
           like Danxia landforms, reflections in lakes
 his team. QUCHASHAN was born in the youth   design,  and  also  explored  more  extensive
           and clouds in mountains. The series of Hand
 of the post-80s generation and childhood for   possibilities of tea drinks.
           Shake,  Bubble  Hi  and  Ice  Swirl  all  comes
 the  post-90s.  Despite  the  coming  and  going
 of its peers, the brand has always stood here   Good flavor from locally sourced   from everyday food of the Southwest. The
 while  the  young  customers  became  adults.   materials  latter one is innovated from the ice syrup,
           a  Guiyang  snack,  with  unique  stories  in
 Engraved in the design of product, menu and
 store is the life memory of these generations.  “We don’t take QUCHASHAN as new-
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