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 precisely position and reduce marketing cost of a brand   from the tea utensils, supplemented by lines. There is a   we create works that express the spirit and knowledge of
 on the one hand, on the other hand, it is because of pre-  good combination of a set of 24 filial piety pictures with   contemporary Chinese people.
 cision that a brand can quickly stand out in an era of in-  cursive on the cover. The illustration created by Professor   “We will not define what exactly is the Chinese fad, we
 formation explosion,” Bianhan said.  Li Wang from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and the cur-  prefer to see more different attributes and categories com-
        sive  from  calligrapher  Hongbiao  Liu.  In  addition,  Hell-  bined with different forms to show more possibilities. We
  Traditional²    ocean  also  designed  for  the  character  inspired  by  the   expect and call for more designers to pay attention to and
        concept of inculcating oneself from the external norms to   participate in the design of the Chinese fad. Tea culture itself
 “There are categories without brands” is the most true   present what Zeng Zihong wants to convey.   is  part  of  the  traditional  Chinese  culture,  excluding  the
 portrayal of the tea industry in China. After Lipton entered   Faced with the homogenization in design of Chinese   retro elements, I would like to see classic elements to bring
 the Chinese market in 1992, it successfully cultivated the   fad  style,  the  work  of  Zeng  Zihong  presents  us  with  the   forth the new through the old and contribute to the shift
 Chinese tea bag market, injecting new possibilities into the   design attitude of “not confined to tradition, not lacking in   from ‘Made in China’ to ‘created in China’,” Bianhan said.
 traditional tea market and triggering more and more new   innovation, and not lacking in ideas”. China has a cultural   Just as an old saying goes, “Enjoy life sip by sip, not
 tea brands. But later, Lipton was gradually replaced by local   heritage of 5,000 years and thousands of treasures. Bianhan   gulp by gulp.” Packaging design as an externalized aesthetic
 tea  bag  brands.  Gradually,  the  market  has  emerged  one   pointed out that while we use these valuable cultures, only   tool, is for consumers and brand services, also need to be
 after another, like instant tea, new-style tea drinks, etc. A   by being more innovative and improving design skills can   like tea drinking, stand firm, and even to lead the trend.
 tea brand named Xurisheng created the first “ice tea” that
 kicked off the development of tea drinks. The birth of new-
 style tea drinks took China’s tea beverage market to a new
 peak.  According  to  iiMedia  Research,  a  third-party  data
        China  has  a  cultural  heritage  of
 mining and analysis agency for the new economy industry,
        5,000  years  and  thousands  of
 market  size  of  China’s  new-style  tea  drinks  was  184.03
        treasures.  Bianhan  pointed  out
 billion yuan in 2020.  that while we use these valuable
 These brands have better understanding of what young   cultures, only by being more in-
 Offline fresh-made tea   people  need,  both  in  terms  of  products  and  design.  The   novative  and  improving  design
        skills  can  we  create  works  that
 Chinese fad emerged in 2018 and is still prevalent today.
 The design of Anhe, a tea house, can be said to bring   How does tea, itself part of the traditional Chinese culture,   express the spirit and knowledge
        of contemporary Chinese people.
 the philosophy of “precision” into design perfectly. The small   combine with the design of Chinese fad style to meet the
 things that can be seen everywhere in life are miniaturized   consumer’s sense of experience and sharing desire?
 and simplified in the work, which is casual but charming.   “The Chinese fad as a big cultural IP itself carries
 This work was done by Bianhan himself in 2016.  a strong character. How to highlight the unique tone of
 In addition to tea houses, offline stores with new-style   each brand on the basis of Chinese fad is what designers
 tea drinks are also customers of Hellocean. 1° CTEA, cam-  should think about as different brands share different
 pus-oriented tea store, becoming popular among young con-  positioning. So it is necessary for designers to under-
 sumers with new packaging replaced in 2018. Green, off-white   stand more about the characteristics, needs, preferenc-
 and blue-green are the main colors, and the logo takes the   es and so on between the brand and consumers, and find
 form of two small hands clinking cups, conveying love and   a point in it,” Bianhan said.
 highlighting the youthful and fun tone. The main visual uses   The  packaging  design  of  Zeng  Zihong  (a  leaf  tea
 four campus characters and drink-related elements respec-  selling  brand)  has  indeed  found  such  point.  The  brand
 tively to build a familiar scene of drinking tea for consumers,   name Zeng Zihong comes from Zeng Zi, who was highly
 while conveying the brand’s philosophy, “nothing is added   influential in reaffirming the Confucian emphasis on the
 but love”. In the same year, Hellocean upgraded ARTSAG’s   virtue  of  xiao  (filial  piety).  Hellocean  adopts  Zeng  Zi’s
 design, a new-style tea drinks brand born in Singapore. Hel-  virtue as the theme of the tea, hoping to inherit the filial
 locean started with the brand’s English name AREASG, ex-  piety and promote cultural tea brand with high-quality.
 tracted the A as the main visual graphic, simplified and ab-  The brand, logo, text and cover are very good at achieving
 stracted the design to form a series of 5 icons, signifying the   the effect of bringing forth the new through the old. The
 different expressions when drinking different flavors, which   logo  in  square  shape  on  the  packaging  is  based  on  the
 distinctly differentiating from the ARTEA pirated versions   brand theme, with the initial letter z of the word “Zeng”
 that appeared in the market at that time.  as the basis for the shape, conveying the spirit of heaven
 It is Bianhan’s original design intention to sublimate   and  man  are  united  as  one  and  the  harmony  of  nature.
 the soul of the brand as he firmly believes that every brand   Four square openings in the Logo means it can extend in
 has its own unique soul. In the design of Hellocean, we   all  directions,  and  also  shows  the  brand  welcomes  for
 can  also  see  the  precise  externalization  of  this  belief   talented artists to join, as well as the brand’s inclusiveness
 through design. “‘Precision’ is especially important, it can   and diversity. The concept of the text design originates

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