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                                                                                                                                                                     tea packaging, offering a more modern design that meets young
                                                                                                                                                                     people’s aesthetic.
                                                                                                                                                                         Take the design work of Murakami West Lake, a Chinese
       Rinsing tea                                                                                                                                                   tea brand, as an example, by extracting the humanistic landscape
                                                                                                                                                                     of West Lake, flattening the symbolic assignment of represen-
           Some teas, like Oolong and dark tea will be kept in a rel-                                                                                                tative elements such as Leifeng Pagoda and tea trees, to build an
       atively closed environment after picking, and as time passes,                                                                                                 atmosphere for consumers to enjoy tea on West Lake. At the
       tea will go through a hibernation period. There are two ways of                                                                                               same time, through the elegant art painting, the interactive re-
       rinsing tea, before and during the brewing. Tea can be slowly                                                                                                 publican-style costume character is created to express the brand’s
       rinsed on its own, simply by placing the loose teas in a venti-                                                                                               emotion and love for the West Lake culture and guide young
       lated, odor-free, direct sunlight-free environment, and this takes                                                                                            consumers to trigger the emotional resonance with traditional
       time. We can’t rush the process. Only sufficient time of rinsing                                                                                               culture. This work by Hellocean, which intermingles tea with
       can remove the odor of the tea, and enhance the activity of the                                                                                               the humanity, life and nature of West Lake, finds a good balance
       substances contained in the teas through full contact with the                                                                                                between the brand and consumer needs.
       air to oxidize. When you brew the tea, you can rinse it up again
       with a small amount of water at the right temperature, quickly                                                                                                Instant tea
       pour the water out and discard it. It is like a mini-steep that
       only lasts for 5 seconds. When you start your first infusion, the                                                                                                  Bobo milk tea with dual innovation of health and expe-
       leaves will give out their true flavor.                                                                                                                        rience, is launched by Xiang Piao Piao  a China time-honored
           This process is actually very similar to the growth process                                                                                               brand in paper-cup instant milk tea, for Generation Z. Hellocean
       of a person.                                                                                                                                                  broke through the brand’s old style of packaging to highlight
           Tian Bianhan, the founder of Hellocean, farmer designer is                                                                                                the food and innovatively stylizing the name as the main com-
       the title he gave himself. His origin with tea started from birth.                                                                                            munication element. The final presentation of Bobo milk tea
       Bianhan was born in the mountainous Guizhou province, in south-                                                                                               has rounded and full strokes with broken strokes to add inter-
       western China. According to the data, Guizhou province is the                                                                                                 est and form a unique visual hammer, to nail the brand to the
       largest tea-producing region in China. Opening one of the best                                                                                                consumer’s mind with the emotional power of a visual. “As a
       design firms in China was his dream since college. His major at                                                                                                synonym of milk tea in cups, Xiang Piao Piao has a significant
       that time was also design. After graduation he did a lot of work                                                                                              market share in the same category. We hope to convey the new
       that was not related to design that allowed him to earn money and,                                                                                            ideas and new definition of life of contemporary young people
       as he says, “make a good living in a general sense.” But he under-                                                                                            as Generation Z are the main target group of Bobo milk tea,”
       stood that this was not the ideal life in his heart. Finally, he em-  Tea with modern design                                                                  Bianhan said.
       barked on a journey to pursue his dream in 2012 and registered a
       design company, just as went through a “rinsing tea” process. The   With young people as the main consumer group of tea
       name Hellocean originated his love for the tea as his daily greeting   products, what they carry is not just a beverage cup. For design-
       to the sea.                                       ers, making the appropriate design according to the different
           In 2012, the brand released its first work on ZCOOL, a de-  brands has become an important issue. “It’s necessary to feel
       signer interactive platform, creating the article We for Shanhai   the differentiation of each product, understanding what the                                Tea culture itself is
       Yuan, a Chinese tea club. In 2014, Hellocean designed the cultur-  brand side wants to convey and what consumers need. Feel for                               part of the traditional
       al creative products for the tea club. Later Hellocean took on the   the differentiation can also be understood by ‘precision’.” The
       design of many tea brands, from packaging to stores, covering a   “precision” Bianhan said is also the core concept of the Hellocean.                         Chinese culture,
       wide range of topics. He also has the habit of drinking tea, although   “Just like Chinese philosophy ‘Zhongyong (Doctrine of the
       he didn’t think about what his association with tea was, he always   Mean)’ that focus on the middle ground between two extremes                              excluding the retro
       had tea in his life.                              is what we have been insisting on.” Bianhan said.
           When it comes to drinking tea, young people who used to   As a design company with 10 years’ history, tea brand                                           elements, Bianhan
       have little to do with tea, have been trying it more in recent years.   design is part of Hellocean’s business, including original leaf tea,
       According to CBNData, a consumer research agency, young people   instant tea, offline fresh-made tea, and its work on the online                               would like to see
       are one of the main forces of tea consumption. Tea, with its cul-  designer interactive platform has gained the attention of more
       tural and health attributes, matches young people’s own growing   than 200,000 people.                                                                        classic elements to
       sense of cultural identity and the importance of health. When you
       add to that design-oriented packaging, rich flavors and increasing-  Original leaf tea                                                                         bring forth the new
       ly convenient tea drinking options, young people favoring tea have
       also completed a “tea rinsing” process.               “Tea for young people”revisits the tradition of visionary                                               through the old.

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