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Coffee in Lidded-Cup Coffee With Breakfast
What does a good container bring to coffee? Studies show that the texture, size, shape and There is a Chinese saying, an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening, breakfast is import-
color of the coffee cup can affect the consumer's perception of the coffee’s flavor. The ant to Chinese people to start a new day. As a food country, breakfast also reflects the local char-
trend of coffee in lidded-cup has taken off in China’s Guangzhou and Sichuan Province. acteristics of each place. The average Chinese person has cooked wheaten food with soy milk, milk,
The lidded-cup is a Han Chinese tea set with a lid on top, a bowl in the middle and a tray porridge and eggs for breakfast. Wuhan, the capital of central China’s Hubei Province is known as
underneath. In China, lidded-cup is usually used to make tea by first rinsing the bowl with the capital of breakfast, “spend morning” is the name the locals give to breakfast. There are many
boiling water, then putting tea leaves into the cup with water and covering the lid, and different types of breakfast, and hot dry noodles with eggnog is a common breakfast pairing for
waiting for about 20 seconds to 3 minutes to drink. The cup can be used to share drinks, locals. The eggnog is a drink for breakfast, the main ingredients are eggs, rice wine and sugar. It
and also can be the personal cup. The warming step in a lidded-cup applied to coffee can has a refreshing taste and is good for digestion and refreshment. Likewise, as coffee also has these
help to seal in all the flavors of the coffee beans. In addition, the lid of the lidded-cup is functions, noodles with coffee is a becoming a popular breakfast pairing for locals. There are also
similar to the portable coffee lid, so just lift the corner of the lid and enjoy it. new options for where to buy coffee, people can get it at breakfast spots and food markets. This
also offers a new option for those who don’t like or can’t drink sweet drinks or wine.
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