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          In the same huge coffee network,

          professional baristas can quickly

          transition from a single greeting to

          a warm conversation, while other

          distant strangers gather together
          because of their love of coffee. They

          might not all be baristas, but so

          what? "Goodwill takes place in the                                                                                                                        rare and delivers less exposure compared to other elements
                                                                                                                                                                    in daily life.” As a Tower of Babel in modern society, music
          real world, even though it sometimes                                                                                                                      carries emotions in the lyrics. Different from the common

          doesn't look real."                                                                                                                                       background  music  in  chain  cafes,  the  song  list  offered  by
                                                                                                                                                                    Brewing Coffee carries the mood in which contributors brew
                                                                                                                                                                    or enjoy coffee, and also represents their culture.
                                                                                                                                                                        In  less  than  48  hours,  Brewing  Guide  achieved  its
                                                                                                                                                                    crowdfunding goal. The card deck includes 55 cards, includ-
                                                                                                                                                                    ing 6 special cards to introduce pour over, Moka pot, French
                                                                                                                                                                    press and its operation order, reversed operation of Aero-
                                                                                                                                                                    press, and the correlation between grind and extraction. In
                                                                                                                                                                    addition, the deck also includes an empty card to write your
                                                                                                                                                                    own recipe, a project introduction card, and a card with QR
                                                                                                                                                                    code for song list.
                                                                                                                                                                        As Micky told us, despite the male-dominant industry
            For  IMNAB,  Brewing  Guide  is  the  second  significant   Lisa Ligon from Aeropress and Alvin Cheng from Hong Kong.                                   with 70 percent male insiders, they had more female volun-
        project since its founding. Before this year, IMNAB was more   They all are active bloggers on Instagram, serving as an import-                             teers who yet sent less recipes than their male peers. “About
        active online, as Micky launched the hashtag of #brewathome   ant bond to link coffee community.” Every week, they shared                Photo / HUIYONG Lee  90 percent of our volunteers are female. They prefer to help
        on Instagram with other friends in the industry to baristas   posts of brewing coffee at home through the Internet and at-                                  others directly, compared to males who prefer sharing expe-
        who had to stay home because of the pandemic. “We didn’t   tached the hashtag. Initially with merely 2,000 posts, #brewath-                                 rience and stories.” What Micky could do was to balance the
        want baristas to have no choice but killing time at home alone.   ome gradually emerged as a hot topic with over 100,000 posts,                             gender ratio for selected recipes. Apart from this, there was
        They could use this hashtag to share their professional knowl-  bringing the name of IMNAB to the public. It was time to put                                no limit for contributor’s identity or occupation.
        edge. In addition, lots of people couldn’t access coffee during   Brewing Guide at the top of the agenda.
        home quarantine and had to practice coffee making at home.”                                                 brewing  method,  equipment,  coffee  bean  quantity,  grind   No Threshold
        says Micky. “However, coffee is no easy task. You need to   Basic Standard: Diversity                       degree, water quantity and temperature, the ratio of water
        invest a lot, unless you can accept instant coffee or are not                                               and coffee, and brewing time. Below these parameters, each   Under the name of “I’M NOT A BARISTA”, every contribu-
        picky for flavors.”                                 In Micky’s opinion, it is no novelty to “share collected   card lists every brewing step in details, and ends the text with   tor represents themselves and also the local coffee community.
            It is a common story for coffee beginners: purchase brew-  special brewing recipes on social media”, which even lost the   the contributor’s feeling, profile and signature. You can follow   On the belly band of the card deck, we notice many familiar names:
        ing equipment, and give it a try based on the operation manual   unique  sense  stemming  from  #brewathome.  Therefore,  he   the information to complete a nice cup of coffee, and when   Berg Wu, the 2016 WBC Champion; Wendelien van Bunnik,
        on heaps of information that jumped out from the search engine   gathered his team members once again to collect over 200   you gaze the contributor’s feeling, it would feel like he invit-  winner of 2019 World AeroPess Championship; Rob Clarijs,
        or online information. However, when a beginner pressed the   free recipes through the coffee community, and invited in-  ed you to share coffee with him.  winner of Coffee Masters London 2019; and many researchers
        “enter” button – unverified and uncurated information would   ternational  interns  to  translate  various  languages  such  as   In addition to the coffee information, Brewing Guide   from different estates and roasteries. There are also “outsiders”
        be presented. “It normally confuses the beginners who can not   German, Italian and Spanish into English. Dozens of other   also offers a list of songs. “This card deck is designed to reflect   such as Karolina Gaizauskiene, a Lithuanian radiologist and home
        judge”. As they have no professionals to consult whether their   volunteers  followed  the  parameters  and  steps  to  test  the   the diversity in the coffee industry.” says Micky. “The spe-  brewer; Naomi Doedelz, a barista and illustration designer; and
        unpleasant drink was caused by wrong brewing method or poor   recipes, selecting qualified ones.            cialty  coffee  wave  from  North  America  intangibly  isolates   Alejandro Cardenas, who is working in Starbucks U.S. “We want
        operation, IMNAB “contacted coffee bloggers worldwide, such   When it came to card editing and design, IMNAB called   coffee  lovers  from  other  language  backgrounds.  In  South   to represent more people, instead of putting on one tag of cham-
        as Valentina Palange from Italy, Sebastian Franzén from Sweden,   for  more  volunteers  to  standardize  every  recipe  based  on   America, Africa, Asia and Europe, coffee-specific media is   pionship. Anyone who loves coffee can be one of us.”

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