Page 98 - CTI82_EN
P. 98


                        Though brands are                           Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

                   eager to build a good                                In fact,  before the viral song, the pub-

                 image, customers still                             lic has shown little interest in MIXUE’s
                                                                    marketing events. Unlike Heytea and Nayu-
                                                                    ki which pay to capture hot topics on social
                            take tea drink as                       media and advertise new products with

                                    a commercial                    fancy copywriting, MIXUE normally stirs no
                                                                    waves in the market, despite its efforts to
                                              product.              launch blind boxes, lover certificate and
                                                                    anniversary celebrations, or its widely reach
                                                                    report by B-side media. Its brand image was
                                                                    even shaken by bad news on quality control.
                                                                    This May, it was reported by Chinese Qual-
                                                                    ity Net that some stores tampered with un-
                                                                    sealing date and used expired ingredients,
                                                                    and 35 stores in its headquarter Zhengzhou
                                                                    were forced to rectify the problems within a
                                                                    prescribed time limit. This was not the only
                                                                    case, as many customers have complained of
                                                                    finding “unexpected” stuff in the drink from
                                                                    franchise stores. In the crowded new-style
                                                                    tea drink market that highlights “freshness”,
                                                                    MIXUE which still uses blending ingredients
                                                                    like milk tea powder struggles to stand out.
                                                                        Embattled with bad news, MIXUE with         work, as few customers came here because   HUAYUHUA, a famous marketing company in
                                                                    over 10,000 stores built up no brand image      of the song, and the rumor that “one could   China, which kicked off cooperation with
                                                                    but a cheap stereotype with its 3-RMB ice       sing the song and get a free drink” tricked   MIXUE in 2018 when the brand had 4,500
                                                                    cream and 4-RMB lemon drink. As a result,       nobody. At the end, even the store staff be-  stores. The existing brand IP and stores are
                                                                    it had to march to third-tier markets first,    came tired of the song.             also designed by the marketing company.
                                                                    started trials in suburban areas in first- and     Going back to this earworm revelry,   During the years, short videos happen to
                                                                    second-tier cities, and launched in city cen-   are those netizens who pushed the song to   develop meteorically. Smart mobile video apps
                                                                    ters quietly. The catchy song was nothing       the central stage crazy fans for MIXUE? No!   including Douyin, TikTok, KUAISHOU and
                                                                    less than a life-saving straw to the brand.     Instead, they are more like winds that come   Snapchat exert community effects, a hard nut
                                                                        However, though brands are eager to         and go quickly. The attitude to “entertain-  to crack for traditional industries, and emerge
                                                                    build a good image, customers still take new-   mentizing” everything hurries up the wilt   as new social media. As channels to share
                                                                    style tea drink as a commercial product. It is   of MIXUE’s catchy song. The curtain fell,   daily life and innovate, these new platforms
                                                                    possible to have some loyalty in repeated       and the very last line was a dual sarcasm:   have evolved segmented filming patterns and
                                                                    purchase, but difficult to make a brand the     “MIXUE doesn’t disfavor my empty wallet,   trendy tags, as well as “sound-driven flow”.
                                                                    only choice for milk tea.                       and I do not laugh at its vulgarity”.  Flat noise, ASMR, voice-over and background
                                                                        This means the failure of Snow King,                                            music have become popular, and can be cus-
                                                                    the MIXUE IP who wears a crown and a red        Using Music to Please Taste Buds    tomized according to video content and bond-
                                                                    rope, holds an ice cream wand and dances                                            ed to different scenes. Though the short video
                                                                    straight with the catchy song day by day.          Despite the strong attraction of the   industry is criticized as “unnutritious content”,
                                                                    After two months of the earworm effect, a       theme song, the real business domain of MIX-  “downgrading consumption” and “piggyback-
                                                                    staff from the Er’qi Square store in Zheng-     UE was captured by low price in its early days.   ing on hot topics” on its expedition to other
                                                                    zhou told a journalist that, though it was the   In 2021, MIXUE realized self-production of   domains, its pace does not hesitate and a flood
                                                                    best seller among the eight stores owned by     core ingredients. In 2018, it went global, set-  of imitations follow in its wake. As of August
                                                                    his manager, its business shrank because of     ting up a store in Hanoi and set foot in Indo-  2, 2021, MIXUE-related topics have been   Note
                                                                    the tunnel construction nearby. The store       nesia. On June 24, 2020, its 10,000th store   played 9.47 billion times, with theme song
                                                                                                                                                                                           [1]  A song should have at least 8 bars.
                                                                    tried to attract passers-by with the viral song,   debuted in Xinxiang, Henan, becoming the first   2.47 billion times and “MIXUE Ice cream&Tea”   [2]  Involuntary musical imagery refers
                                                                    and  even  prepared  300  free  ice  creams  to   tea drink brand with 5-digit-store scale. The   10.6 billion times. The official theme song   to the phenomenon that music
                                                                    expand sales. However, the strategy didn’t      theme song marketing was conducted by   has been used over one million times.  cuts repeat in the mind.

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