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                         Mini Heytea, Heytea’s subbrand focus-  Pepsi in China have expanded to include
                     ing on cost-effective marketing and good   Leslie Cheung, Andy Lau, Sammi Cheng,
                     brand  image,  followed  upon  the  heels  of   Louis Koo, Jolin Tsai and F4. In 1983, the
                     MIXUE revelry and launched its advertising   commercial acted and sang by Micheal Jack-
                     song Happy Watermelon to promote the new   son was a milestone in its marketing history.
                     watermelon ball drinks. However, the song   Sprite owned by Coca Cola has invited
                     stuffed full with punchlines and buzzwords   A-mei, Elva Hsiao, Alex To and other famous
                     was not “earwormy” enough, failing to echo   singers for its commercial songs. It even
                     with customers and ending up with gloom.  became the title sponsor for many Chinese
                         Looking back the history of commercial   pop music billboards, and had a presence in
                     jingles, the MIXUE song is like a small drop in   the music domain with wristbands, limited
                     a vast ocean. In 1926, the first commercial   line packages and other cultural products.
                     jingle Have You Tried Wheaties for modern   For Want-want Group, the song of its O-pao
                     food products was created. The vocal quartet   fruit milk was also played on TV and stuck
                     depicted the nice texture of Wheaties’s name-  in audiences’ mind with catchy melody be-
                     sake wheat, saving consumers the effort of   fore it was banned due to rule violation.
                     reading the product package in stores.  As another language for humankind in
                         In 1998, the century-old Pepsi launched   addition to words and paintings, music always
                     the prolific music marketing ever in China.   keeps a strong power and evolves with added
                     In January, Aaron Kwok, a super star from   values during social development, worth all
                     Hong Kong, became the brand ambassador,   kinds of expectation and imagination. As a tool,
                     launching the action song Sing This Song in   a song can get new values through adaption
                     blue suits for Pepsi commercials. In Septem-  and recreate fashionable trends, just as what
                     ber, the new packaging was launched glob-  happened to Oh! Susanna, and even stand for
                     ally, and famous singers like Faye Wong,   distant products like tea and coffee. However,
                     Aaron Kwok, Janet Jackson and Ricky Martin   as a spreading method, it is all about how to
                     sang together for the musical commercials.   deliver the original innovation through factors
                     Since then, the musical ambassadors for   including proper beats, lyrics and instrument.

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