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to play Qin to create a tea ceremony atmosphere. Qin After some interpretation of Qin, tea, calligraphy
and tea complete each other, before playing Qin and and painting, some tea guests were fascinated by Chi-
making the tea ceremony, we should sit quietly, which nese myths and legends and were interested in explor-
is like preparing for meditation and even enlighten- ing China’s mysterious tea culture. Some tea customers
ment. If we are lucky, we are surrounded by the quiet fell in love with Chinese art and were full of respect
and secluded environment. As soon as the hand of for the spiritual pursuit of literati. Some tea guests
playing Qin falls and the water for the tea ceremony is began to adhere to the construction of tea tasting en-
boiled, it is easy to replace people into the external vironment and have a hobby of collecting music suit-
realm of spiritual relaxation. Even limited by the mod- able for tea drinking. I have good music, you have good
If you look for traces of ancient Qin and tea in ern urban environment of reinforced concrete, this tea, a bosom friend can not be hard to find.
ancient paintings, it is easy to pay attention to Zhou moment’s quiet mood with the rhyme of tea and Qin is Du Jin, a painter in the Ming Dynasty, painted
Fang’s painting of tuning Qin and sipping tea in the also a clean land in the fast-paced urban life. I don’t the picture of placing a Qin beneath a plum tree, de-
Tang Dynasty and Chen Hongshou’s painting of stop- know when it started, a piece of Qin song and a cup of scribes the scene of refined scholar playing Qin under
ping Qin and sipping tea in the Ming Dynasty. From tea have become my daily routine. I have a hobby of the plum blossom. On the terrace at the foot of the
the word “sipping” in the name of the painting alone, playing musical instruments, practiced violin since mountain, the elegant scholar sits next to the old plum,
it seems that you can hear the sound of slurping tea. childhood, drum set at home, privately like to play with the sound of the Qin spreading far away and the
Then listen and smell carefully, the sound of the Qin electronic keyboard or guitar and hum a few lyrics. A lingering sound goes around the valley. The servants
is leisurely, high and low, and a gust of the tea fra- few years ago, I was attracted by the unique charm of busy with tea seem to be immersed and enthralled in
grance disappears, reappearing again. Both paintings Qin and began to concentrate on practicing Qin. the atmosphere of Qin rhyme and tea smoke. The
are the theme of tea and Qin. Whether it is the garden During the period of operating tea rooms in painting of the origin of immortals in the jade cave
afternoon tea of noble women in the Tang Dynasty or Germany, tea guests often visit, and the live Qin per- shows a fairyland where Qiu Ying, a painter of the
the elegant hidden tea life of hermits and recluses in formance during tea tasting is the most talked about. Ming Dynasty, is relaxed and fascinated.
the Ming Dynasty, Qin is the first choice for tea en-
tertainment activities. The fire in the tea stove is
crackling and burning vigorously, and the tea water
is bubbling happily in the tea soup pot. Taking the
stones as the tables and stools and appreciating the
Qin while drinking tea is the artistic conception of
tea pursued by the ancients.
Since I began to organize and participate in tea
events in Germany in 2016, I have been systematical-
ly introducing the history of Chinese tea ceremony
to European tea guests, and sometimes I can’t help
thinking about how to better share the fun I feel in
tea. I have been influenced by Chinese traditional
culture since I was a child, I usually like writing cal-
ligraphy and painting ink painting. In recent years, I
The reason for began to design these elements into tea related arti-
facts. Gradually, in looking for inspiration in appre-
translating this book ciating ancient paintings, I found that painters of all
dynasties often add tea activities and other related
is to enrich English contents to the paintings in order to set off the atmo-
tea books and sphere and highlight the mood. I have tried to explain
Chinese tea culture from these tea pictures, and un-
expectedly received the welcome of tea guests. The
supplement Chinese vivid pictures are not only more attractive, but also
tea culture at the mention many historical stories and tea-related topics.
Modern people do not change their preference
spiritual level. for tea tasting and listening to Qin music. The ritual
tea ceremony performance also needs Qin musicians
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