Page 107 - CTI82_EN
P. 107


          so I interviewed the tea broadcasters in turn, and
          also provided materials for my monthly tea blog and
          contributions to tea magazines. These four tea pod-
          casts also have their own characteristics. Two of them
          are tea people from Berlin, Anna’s “Here is the Tea”
          and Inga’s “Secret of Tea”, they are yogi and tea art-
          ist respectively. Their tea podcasts reflect the char-
          acteristics of the growing Berlin tea culture to some
          extent, different from the free Bohemian tea style of   Through the ages, Qin and tea have been con-
          Czech Prague tea culture and the court aristocratic   nected intentionally or unintentionally, and the cul-
          style of British London afternoon tea culture, Berlin   tural accumulation of thousands of years has finally
          pays more attention to modern, special and healthy   become a classic. Tang Dynasty poet, Bai Juyi is pro-
          tea drinking and tea life.                    ficient in music and rhythm, in his poem Qin Tea, Lu
              Another tea broadcaster Shernelle is a graphic   Shui is a Qin tune loved by him the most, drinking
          designer in London and Munich. Her interviewees   tea is to taste his old acquaintance, tea from the
          are international tea people and tea enterprises for   Ganlu Temple in the Meng mountains, Sichuan Prov-
          a relaxed “Tea Talk”. In recent years, when I opened   ince. Two of his favorites, the sound of Qin and the
 The immortals are far away from the noise and   up a tea field in Germany and joined the Tea Grown   fragrance of tea, which are most easy to calm his
 secluded in the mountains and forests, the mountains   in Europe Association, I was introduced to Monica,   mind. Wu Lizhen, a Taoist of the Western Han Dy-
 surround the pavilions of the immortals. Beside the   the owner of a tea farm in Scotland. I was a guest of   nasty, domesticated wild tea trees in the Meng
 huge karst cave at the foot of the mountain, the her-  her podcast “Tea, Mud and Hope”, which has the   mountains for the people. He was the earliest tea
 mit sits alone by the stream with his knees crossed.   feeling of taking root in the tea industry from the   grower with clear written records in China and even
 The Qin music is accompanied by trickling running   name, focusing on agriculture, forestry, ecology and   the world. Buddhist tea has Zen and Taoist tea has
 water. The waiters are busy cooking tea and arrang-  so on. Nowadays, the popularity of visual media and   tea theory. China’s national religion Taoism has al-
 ing the tea banquet. The sound of the Qin goes far   the fast pace of we media such as short videos seem   ways been inextricably bound with China’s national
 away, which can wash the soul, tea fragrance is an-  to be integrating with the slow life of tea tasting. As   drink tea. Taoists are good at temperament  and
 other one of the two miraculous products to remove   a network broadcast audio, compared with video   rhythm, Taoist temples have always had the tradition
 fatigue and cultivate self-cultivation. There is anoth-  shooting, the post production of podcasts is relative-  of planting, making, drinking and entertaining
 er  modern  famous  scene  of  tea  tasting  about  this   ly simple, and the audience does not have to listen in   guests with tea.
 painting. In 2017, the heads of nation of China and   real time. They can open tea podcasts anytime and   I have translated Ming Dynasty Zhu Quan’s tea
 the United States had a tea talk in Baoyun building   anywhere, even when they are doing the tea ceremo-  book Cha Pu – Tea Notes for several years, mainly
 of the Forbidden City, and this painting was hung on   ny, it does not affect the movement of their hands.   introducing his summary of tea drinking experienc-
 the wall behind them.  Tea people in modern society choose podcasts to stay   es, so as to help people understand the Tao with tea
 With the progress of contemporary society, the   away from the bombardment of visual media. A mo-  with his unique Taoist perspective. As the son of Zhu
 background sounds available for tea people to drink have   ment of visual rest will pay more attention to the   Yuanzhang, emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu
 become diverse. Recently, I have been interviewed by four   feeling of hearing, smell and taste. No wonder tea   Quan had a legendary life. After the Jingnan battle,
 European tea podcasts and they were very curious about   people like to record tea podcasts, and tea guests also   he was granted Nanchang by Zhu Di. Zhu Quan knew
 why tea people like to talk about tea in the form of podcast,   like to listen to tea podcasts.  how to hide his capacities and bide his time.

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