Page 112 - CTI82_EN
P. 112


                                                              The unmistakable melody played by the ice creams trucks was an
                                                              announcement that ice cream was near. Yet – the iconic New York Ice
                                                              Cream truck has a rich – and at times problematic – history.

        The History

        of New York Ice Cream Tru c ks

                                      T         he heat of New York in summertime is, at times, unbearable. The

                                                concrete jungle is stifling in 100-degree heat. Children roam barefoot
                                                as they try to open an iconic New York fire hydrant. Passersby look
                                                up to the skyscrapers, when they feel a drop of water spill onto their
                                      faces from an air-conditioning unit that hangs precariously several floors above
                                      them. Every year from June to August, many New Yorkers leave the city for The
                                      Hamptons and other beachside towns to escape the sweltering heat. For those
                                      who remain, public swimming pools, keeping cool and of course, ice creams are
                                      summertime essentials. Do you hear the jingle jangle of the ubiquitous ice cream
                                      truck music coming down the avenues? For many, hearing the noise waft into the
                                      air is a charming memory of childhood. The unmistakable melody played by the
                                      ice creams trucks was an announcement for children that ice cream was near.
                                      Yet – the iconic New York Ice Cream truck has a rich – and at times problemat-
                                      ic – history. Let’s dive in.

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