Page 115 - CTI82_EN
P. 115


 After WWII, ice cream production boomed.

 America’s cow population reached an

 all-time high, creating a tremendous

 production capacity.

                                                            Today’s total frozen dairy
                                                            annual production in the
                                                            United States is more than
                                                            6.4 billion pounds.

 History  duction of the motorized trucks with   parlour. He outfitted trucks with prim-
 refrigeration that provided a more   itive freezers, and bells, and took to
 The origins of the first ice cream   sanitary experience. Ice cream became   the  streets creating  the  iconic  Good
 street vendors dates back to the nine-  a luxury item for years to come. Due   Humour Ice Cream trucks that you can
 teenth century, though there is no   to ongoing technological advances,   still see today on the streets of New
 official record. Before motorized ice   today’s total frozen dairy annual pro-  York. Good Humour drivers dressed in
 cream trucks were introduced by Har-  duction in the United States is more than   crisp white uniforms, were always sure
 ry Burt, vendors sold ice cream or   6.4  billion  pounds,  according  to  the   to tip their hat at Passersby. The Good
 flavoured ice, from pushcarts. “Push-  International Dairy Foods Assoication.  Humour trucks, and subsequent ice
 carts markets provided immigrants   cream trucks remain an icon of sum-
 with a free social space unburdened by   Good Humour  mertime bliss.
 the financial costs of wealthier city
 people,” observed a historian in Wen-  New York company, Good Hu-  The Depression Era
 dy A. Woloson’s book: Refined Tastes:   mour, revolutionized how Americans
 Sugar, Confectionery, and Consumers   consumed ice cream. Ice cream parlour   After WWII, ice  cream produc-
 in Nineteenth-Century America. Yet   owner and candy maker Harry Burt   tion boomed. America’s cow popula-
 the pushcarts could often be unsani-  created a chocolate and ice cream bar   tion reached an all-time high, creating
 tary: consumers were concerned they   similar to Christian Nelson’s Eskimo   a tremendous production capacity,
 would get sick by buying the produce.   Pie. At the suggestion of his children,   according to this study. Icecream truck
 The vendors would sell a small dish of   Burt added a stick to the ice cream to   industry continued to grow, and devel-
 ice  cream  or  ice  that the  customer   make it easier, and less messy, to con-  op such as the famous Mister Softee
 would lick clean to be returned to the   sume. Burt then thought of an enter-  brand was founded in 1956. Good
 vendor who would reuse the dish for   prising way to deliver, and distribute   Humour sold its fleet in the 1970s to
 the next customer.   It was the intro-  the ice cream bars further than his own   focus on grocery store products.

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