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All of Good Vibes’ gelato is made with kefir, an ancient fermentation
process that naturally contains multiple strains of probiotics and helps
restore your gut’s natural flora.
Australi a’s First Pro b i oti c Ge l ato Featuring Kefir
I t’s a balmy summers evening, there’s more action then your eyes
and ears can process along the sand swept footpaths of Cottesloe
Beach, you’re thinking “What next? I know, gelato!”. Then you’re
thinking “Maybe I shouldn’t, is there is a truely healthy option?”. It
is always a hard choice when it comes to tasting true happiness versus staying
fit and healthy. When you feel like delicious and refreshing ice cream, sometimes
you’re hesitant as most of what’s available is full of cream and sugar, you worry
too much about calories and fats you’re going to need to deal with.
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