Page 97 - CTI82_EN
P. 97


                Compared to the original story of “go-
            ing to Louisiana with a banjo on the knee to
            meet the true love”, the MIXUE version has
            a plainer line. It simply, directly expresses
            “love” in Chinese and writes itself instantly
            into your memory with easy-going amiabil-
            ity. The punchlines of each lyric and catchy
            flows make the Chinese version easy to trip
            off your tongue. In contrast, the absence of
            such catchy elements waters down the En-
            glish version.
                However, not everyone is happy to buy
            this earworm, with some complaining it as
            “spiritual pollution”. Vicky Williamson, the
            music psychologist from Goldsmiths, Uni-
            versity of London, was once bothered by
            such involuntary musical imagery . Accord-
            ing to her research, music played by mixed
            instruments can cause multi-sensory stimu-
            lation, enhancing memory of messages car-
            ried in the song. Professor James Kellaris
            from University of Cincinnati defined such
            feeling as “cognitive itch”. Interestingly,
            listening to the whole song could reduce the
            catchy effect, as music cuts around 20 sec-
            onds exert the strongest earworm power. As
            this  length  happens  to  be  close  to  that  of
            MIXUE song, a viral spread is inevitable.

 Earworm Going Viral   times. If you have a close look at the danmu
 (bullet screen) and comments, you may
 On  June  3,  2021,  the  milk  tea  brand   notice  that the word “familiar” shows  up
 MIXUE uploaded its theme song video on   frequently. As many netizens recall, similar
 Bilibili website after a month of silence. In   melodies can be found in old-school Canton-
 the 25-second video, cute animation accom-  ese opera films and Hong Kong songs from
 panies a catchy twice-repeated 8-bar song .   the last century; the melody was even once
 Two days later, a new 104-second video in-  recomposed by Li Jinhui, the Father of Chi-
 cluding the English version was posted. As of   nese pop, and recorded in Wang Renmei’s
 August 1, the shorter video has been played   album “Don’t cry, Su San” in 1933. Dating
 over 5 million times, and the longer one 1.75   back to the very beginning, the original
 million times.  melody comes from the globally-viral  Oh!
 Over the last two months, the two vid-  Susanna created in 1847 by Stephen Collins
 eos were recreated by clever netizens. The   Foster and released in the next year. When
 songs were translated into 20 languages from   talking about the earworm milk tea song,
 14 countries, and even got mixed with Peking   maybe it is more proper to say the original   Maybe it is more proper to say the
 opera and electronic music. Most of these   melody  was catchy and thus got popular   original melody was catchy and thus
 innovative videos are played over 100,000   around the world.
                                        got popular around the world.

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