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             “When I am in a peaceful                                                                                                            100 might be enough. But they suggest-  I USED 41 DAYS TO FIGURE THIS OUT.
                                                                                                                                                 ed 500,” Lawrence recalls. On the first
                                                                                                                                                                                 The video was played over one million
             mood, I am very happy                                                                                                               day of sale, he held his phone tightly and   times in two days, bringing tens of thou-
                                                                                                                                                 stared at the final sale, worried if he   sands of new followers. Even many peers
             to savor a cup of coffee,                                                                                                           would let Saturnbird down. “At the end,   voluntarily shared his video, making

             instead of just drinking it.”                                                                                                       all the badges sold out in five minutes.   Lawrence feel very touched.
                                                                                                                                                 That was a  big surprise  to  me.”  From
                                                                                                                                                                                     At the very beginning, he hesitated
                                                                                                                                                 this experience, he learned the support   between photography and music. Wish-
                                                                                                                                                 and behavior of his followers. “I thought   ing to present good visuals and sound,
                                                                                                                                                 only those who often interacted with   he finally chose music. Worried about
                                                                                                                                                 me would pay for the event. I prepared   the suitability and difficulty of copy-
                                                                                                                                                 to stay close to them. I realize, however,   righted music, he made a bold move this
                                                                                                                                                 99 percent of followers do not comment   time: making an album himself. With 12
                                                                                                                                                 on every post and like every video. They   years of band rehearsal and experience
                                                                                                                                                 just follow you silently. But  when we   of making music for Hennessy’s new-
                                                                                                                                                 have such a physical mark of friendship   year ads last year, Lawrence, a dedicated
                                                                                                                                                 or we need to prove our intimacy, they   travel vlog maker, convinced Saturnbird
                                                                                                                                                 will be there.”                 of his music DNA.
                                                                                                                                                     Since then, he carries on the   Though the video is only 23 min-
                                                                                                                                                 self-media journey with firmer steps,   utes and 27 seconds long, it actually
            T         his July, Lawrence Lue, a   Ties Knot with Saturnbird                                                                      urnbird to a stage of “growing together”.   interpretation of 41 days as shown in its
                                                                                                                                                                                 involves over 100 hours of footage, a real
                                                                                                                                                 and evolves his cooperation with Sat-
                                            for Three Years
                      slash youth adding indepen-
                                                                                                                                                 They jointly promote how to brew lyo-
                                                                                                                                                                                 title. As Lawrence said, he used his ex-
                      dent director, photographer
                      and voice actor to his cool   Coffee has a humble role in Law-                                                             philized instant coffee, and engage more   perience in producing reality television.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Two cameramen were invited to conduct
                                                                                                                                                 consumers into the environment-friend-
            career jumble, embarked on his third   rence’s daily routine. Maybe “mindful”,                                                       ly recycling campaign. Then, they start   4K filming with only two independent
            summer of “we media”. Though his room-  a phrase to describe men, can be applied                                                     to think about what other issues can   cameras. With no microphones or hid-
            mate and kitty-cat Xiaoqi took a jump   to the drink as well. “When I am in a                                                        interpret tastes.               den cameras, all the recorded people
            ahead of him and became the first laurel   peaceful mood, I am very happy to sa-                                                         Lawrence’s answer is music. He   automatically forgot the existence of
            holder of “BILIBILI POWER”  [1]  in their   vor a cup of coffee, instead of just                                                     launched his album “Taste the Sound”,   cameras, ensuring natural action with
            place, Lawrence caught up in the very last   drinking it.” He allows himself to have                                                 and explained his creation in the video    no intentional performance.
            month. His music video cooperating with   a “cheating trip” to new cafes and es-
            Saturnbird goes viral online with more   cape from the buzzing life, meeting
            views than his voice-over work I’M A CAT   different baristas and enjoying a chat
            AND I MAKE MY FIRST VLOG for Xiao-  while waiting. More often, coffee is a
            qi, getting listed as one of the top three   “wake-up” dosage for him. Sometimes,
            played videos on the Bilibili homepage. In   his instinct drives him to buy a new cup.
            the video, Lawrence’s reverie of coffee is   “Starbucks, Luckin and whatever brand
            woven into a pleasant lyric.    can give me the ‘force’. I just want it to
                     For Internet-powered streaming   be convenient.”
            media, a heavier dependence from audi-  In 2019, when the Saturnbird
            ences  has come with the epidemic. During   carried the convenient cutely-canned
            the boring days, even the information   instant coffee to him, Lawrence build a
            which used to trigger no interest becomes   cooperative relationship with the brand.
            “readable”. The slightly narrower gap be-  Back then, he hadn’t shifted to full-time
            tween audiences and self media takes   video making yet, and was a producer
            “unfamiliarity” away from creators, as   for large TV programs in Tencent. With
            video topics, filming sites and framing are   fewer than 50,000 followers across so-
            alike and cause aesthetic fatigue. Crossing   cial media, he didn’t make a bold deci-
            the boundary may be a way out, and the   sion for the co-branded badge. “I sug-
            video is a a handsome try by Lawrence.  gested not making too many at first, and

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