Page 26 - CTI82_EN
P. 26


          Decorate Sound with Visuals         Therefore, when they worked on                                                                                                      video, the wildness of boundless Ulan-
                                          No. 1 and No.2 coffee powders, they                                                                                                     qab is softened by shiny starlight.
              For Lawrence, pure music strug-  chose relatively widely-accepted Soul                                                                                                  Lawrence’s narrative ends here.
          gles to settle down in daily life. To en-  and R&B. In the video, the silhouettes                                                                                       “The last cello melody is too great. I asked
          courage listeners to add pure music into   of the two coffee products are interwo-                                                                                      Jeff if we should make it longer. But he
          their playlist and listen over time, it is   ven with colorful scenes from a sound                                                                                      persuaded me that we need such ‘not
          necessary to grant values to the songs,   studio. Then  different  instruments                                                                                          enough’ feeling.” Full-stop when it is a
          and leverage striking visual impacts to   jump out one by one, like bass, drum,                                                                                         hoot and a half somehow enhances the
          fit modern preference on visuals.  flute, clarinet and music synthesizer.                                                                                               first impression of the seven songs.
              Taking the main melody Taste The   This is intentionally designed, as many
          Sound as an example, Lawrence and   listeners are used to emotional pop                                                                                                 When A Storyteller Feels
          Jeff, a music producer, took “detun-  music and have no sharp ear for instru-                                                                                           Touched...
          ing”, “no lyrics” and “no singing” from   ments. “Many audiences can only hear
          many expected music directions. But   those instruments when they see the                                                                                                        After posting the video, Lawrence
          when they first listened to the sample,   related scene.”                                                                                                               recalled his excitement going through
          they both dazed at a moment, and this   For the electronic Knok Off and                                                                                                 idea proposal and final delivery. Mean-
          scene is recorded in the creation vid-  youthful Game Day, Lawrence found it                                                                                            while, Saturnbird that put no pressure
          eo. “Before I asked if we could play it   difficult to evoke the emotion. Instead,                                                                                      on Lawrence won good launch effects,
          on instruments, I actually asked Jeff   he used live-action shots where couples                                                                                         and audiences are satisfied with the
          another thing.” Lawrence explained in   wearing casual suits go on dates after                                                                                          video quality. “We have also learned
          film terminologies that they both   work in game rooms. The scene is mixed                                                                                              many things. I think this is a win-win-
          know, “Do you feel it is like a S-log   with evolution cuts from the anime Digi-                                                                                        win result.”
          with no color matching? Can we make   mon and his doggy Jinzi running happi-                                                                                                     Compared to traditional commercial
          a Rec.709?” Instrument to melody is   ly. When the album goes to the last two                                                                                           TVC works, Lawrence sacrifices some
          like color to film. The repeated color   songs, instruments and live-action shots                                                                                       standard processes and demonstrates his
          matching can make the film more   show up in turn, and the richest No.6                                                                                                 characters in his videos, one being story-
          complete, making it easy to be recog-  Coffee put on a black and white color.                                                                                           telling, and one “touching audiences”.
          nized and understood by audience,   The classic guitar is like warm milk,                                                                                                        He still keeps the tapes of the Four
          thus leaving them feeling fond of it.   slightly flowing into the  heavily-baked                                                                                        Classic Stories that he listened to since
          Same for instrument.            coffee liquid of cello. At the end of the                                                                                               he was little, which gave him the courage

                                                                                                                                                                      Maybe if I walk a bit

                                                                                                                                                                further away with more

                                                                                                                                                                 deviation, I could bring

                                                                                                                                                               more strange surprises.

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