Page 24 - CTI82_EN
P. 24


                                    Find Familiarity and Reso-      beans and pouring water, and metro
                                    nance in Disorder               trains going into the station which you
                                                                    could hear in many other countries.
                                        Of course, the 8T hardware is   Hometown “Everyone has a home,
                                    enough to contain all the album ele-  and many of them have led a wandering
                                    ments, but not to hold the efforts from   life.” Homesickness is the power infused
                                    48 professional musicians and video   into No. 5 Coffee by Lawrence. As home
                                    creators. To compose six songs of dif-  sounds like Hunan, the province where
                                    ferent styles with just one lyric was no   Saturnbird stems from, Lawrence invit-
                                    easy task. Lawrence told us some stories   ed Mimi, his girlfriend also from the
                                    behind the scene of selected songs,   province, to sing a local nursery rhyme
                                    which all highlight resonance:  Moon Papa. When they tried to find
                                        Intro In the early morning, Law-  harmony  between  local  dialects  and
                                    rence and his partners visited Lumicang   flute, Mimi suddenly felt homesick and
                                    Hutong (lanes) and Zhihua Temple,   missed her nanny and mom. The final
                                    wishing to record some nostalgic sounds.   work uses a recorded melody from
                                    Luckily, they met two old men playing   Mimi’s mum, and mixed the children’s
                                    Chinese chess, and when the game went   voice with Mimi’s singing. It also in-
                                    into the final checkmate, the winner said   cludes stringed music played by 24 in-
                                    “I told you, it’s impossible for you to win   ternational Philharmonia Orchestra
                                    if I use even a bit of my smarts.” When   musicians. The video uses aerial footage
                                    he replayed the recorded sound, the   of Qiantong Town, Ningbo in the rain,
                                    amusing Peking accent instantly assured   which Lawrence visited with actor Yang
                                    him to use it as intro. Apart from this,   Le, deyhouse in Yunnan, and weaving
                                    the song also contains many other city   machines in fashion designer Ma Ke’s
                                    sounds, like that of a busy bus station in   studio in Zhuhai, taking the audiences
                                    morning peak time, a barista grinding   back to  nature.

                                                                          To compose six songs of different styles
                                                                          with just one lyric was no easy task.
                                                                          Lawrence told us some stories behind the
                                                                          scenes of selected songs.

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