Page 17 - CTI82_EN
P. 17


 In motorsport,

 you need protective

 headphones to
 listen to the car’s engine.

 You could even say the

 same for some commercial

 coffee grinders!

 His cross-over might have started with
 curiosity and pursuit  for  specialty  coffee,
 but it was catalyzed by the home quarantine
 policy after pandemic during the UK. Stuck
 at home, Brandon started to be picky with
 his brewed coffee. His coffee setup was
 nothing more than a moka pot, stovetop milk
 steamer and hand grinder, and making a cup
 of coffee from start to finish would take
 nearly 30 minutes. “Since I was away racing
 most weekends (pre-lockdown), it was a nice
 hobby I could take my time with every oth-
 er weekend.” However, during the non-nor-
 mal days, the daily caffeine desire turned
 coffee into a frequent necessity. Frustrated
 by the pretty long brewing process, Brandon
 invested in his first commercial grinder and
 an espresso machine, and stood on the start-
 ing line of the coffee industry.

 Modern, Simple Operation to   these ideals. I liked the name ‘Deva’ because   ers,  thus realizing the goal of zero retention.
 Realize Ideal Concept   I like to think that there is some truth in the   On top of that, KOPI Concepts uses their
          morals of these old stories – that sustainabil-  self-patented copper crush washer to align
 He makes the concept of “bringing   ity is not just the solution to climate change,   the burrs. “With our design, when you need
 quality coffee equipment into the home” the   but also has potential to give us better, hap-  to clean the machine, you don’t have to
 core of KOPI Concepts, and wishes to reduce   pier and more mindful lifestyles.”  completely disassemble it and worry about
 waste in workflow while achieving the best   Zero Retention, Easy Cleaning  Bran-  losing your grind setting in the process.”
 flavour profile from any brew method. This   don “deconstructed” the commercial grind-  Quieter Sound   When waiting for the race
 ideal is written into the  name  of its first   er and found the key issue urgent for new   in the pit, Brandon has to wear protective head-
 work: KOPI Deva.  design: stuck grounds. After the grinding of   phones to contact the driver against 140DB
 “In Eastern mythology, the Devas are   fresh beans, a portion can get stuck in the   engine buzz, in order to know the car’s situation
 supernatural beings that live longer and   spaces within the burr chamber. With no   at any time. “You could even say the same for
 happier lives than humans. If you read the   timely cleaning, particles from the previous   some commercial coffee grinders!” he joked.
 old stories today, you’ll learn that much of   grind may end up in the new dose, making   As making coffee is a common scenar-
 what they refer to as the Deva’s wisdom,   it no longer “fresh”. To fix this, the compa-  io in the early morning, the company in-
 ethics and modesty can be translated into the   ny designed KOPI Deva as a grinder with   tends to have a grinder that “did not add to
 ‘modern’ concept of sustainability. In the   adjustable R PM and short grind path,   the noise pollution within the home”, and
 stories  of  the  Devas,  they  are  described  as   equipped with the same 64mm flat burrs   uses a Brushless DC Motor which is efficient
 happier than humans because they live by   found in high end, commercial coffee grind-  and almost silent in operation.

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