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                   Baristas                                                                                                 At the working station, according to   And coffee industry is no exception
                                                                                                                        the Guardian, female baristas seem more   here. Depending on the society we live, some
                       Who is the manager in your local café?                                                           concerned with a lack of recognition than   women have more opportunities to access
                   And how much do they get paid? Just like in                                                          remuneration, citing a public misconcep-  education and grow in their profession.  Those
                   coffee farms, there is a striking division of                                                        tion that men were more qualified coffee   who have overcome the obstacles should serve
                   labor in the coffee shops. In 2017, PayScale                                                         makers. Speaking about her victory in 2018,    as role models for other women, encouraging
                   recorded a gender pay gap of 13.6% in the US                                                         Agnieszka also emphasizes that your achieve-  and motivating other women to get involved in
                   for Accommodation and Food Services. It                                                              ment should go first and your gender second:   the industry and pursue their goals, creating or
                   mentioned that the biggest barrier to equal                                                          “I believe there is too much attention on   supporting programs, trainings or courses that
                   pay was “equal opportunity”; while there was                                                         ‘being first woman’– I have not won because   could help women to discover and develop their
                   still a pay gap when comparing compensation                                                          I was a woman – I won because I was the best   abilities.  All of our heroines believe that the
                   for men and women with the same job title,                                                           that day.”                          role model effect is key to contribute to the
                   women were also less likely to hold high-                                                                 Nevertheless, if it seems that there are   gender gap reduction.
                   er-paid positions.                                                                                   now more women among baristas, in fact, it   If women and men at every step of seed
                       Agnieszka Rojewska became the World                                                              might be an illusion, since, according to   to cup chain will support one another, we
                   Barista Champion in June 2018, after months                                                          Agnieszka “We are just more visible because   will achieve  tremendous results. Because
                   of practice and preparations of her routine.                                                         we speak up, we try to be more visible and   women’s empowerment narrows the focus
                   She is the first woman ever to win the com-                                                          we try to make difference; also there are   when there is a gap in equality in order that
                   petition. Also Agnieszka is a three times                                                            media  and  people  that  create  attention   women have the ability to realize their full
                   Barista Champion of Poland, four times Latte                                                         around ‘women in the industry’, I don’t think   potential to participate in society as deci-
                   Art Championship winner, she has won the                                                             the numbers changed.”               sion-makers. Both gender empowerment and
                   London Coffee Masters 2018 and the list of                                                               Certainly, historically it has been a   women’s  empowerment  work  to  create  a
                   her accomplishments goes on. Touring when                                                            male-dominated industry and baristas as a   balanced society.
                   it is possible with All Stars and being a Head                                                       profession are a relatively new concept for
                   of coffee quality in Carimali, Agnieszka land-                                                       everyone. Since it has always been seen as a
                   ed all these great opportunities thanks to her                                                       part-time job and now became a career, for
                   now celebrity status in the industry.                                                                men and women, it has a long way to establish
                                                                                                                        itself. But as two genders require equality and
                                                                                                                        equity we could use both genders’ skills the
                                                                                                                        best way we can: “Women most of the time
                                                                                                                        are more focused on quality and caring. Wom-
                                                                                                                        en are also more willing to learn and know
                                                                                                                        opinions. It is said that women don’t like to
                                                                                                                        waste resources – so we might think they are
                                                                                                                        more efficient,” concluded Agnieszka.
                                                                                                                            Seen as a tradition and a right thing
                                                                                                                        to be in fact gender inequality actually
                                                                                                                        brings down family income. As Kofi Annan
                                                                                                                        once said, “Study after study has confirmed
                                                                                                                        that there is no development strategy more
                                                                                                                        beneficial to society as a whole – women and
                                                                                                                        men alike – than one which involves women
                                                                                                                        as central players. No other policy is as like-
                                                                                                                        ly to raise economic productivity, lower in-
                                                                                                                        fant and maternal mortality or improve nu-
                                                                                                                        trition and promote health. When women are
                                                                                                                        fully involved, the benefits can be seen im-
                                                                                                                        mediately: families are healthier; they are
                                                                                                                        better fed; their income, savings and rein-
                                                                                                                        vestment go up. And what is true of families
                                                                                                                        is true of communities and, eventually,
                                                                                                                        whole countries.”

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