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                 They also need to wear gloves or goggles to avoid   gelato. She works with a diverse team that uses
                 injury. So why use nitrogen when traditional ice   cuisines from all over the world to create unusu-
                 cream and gelato are already so popular? Is it worth   al flavor combinations. “We draw our ideas from
                 it? Chai and other nitrogen devotees say yes.   all food from all cuisines.” N2 Extreme Gelato’s
                     Chai explained, “It freezes the product   two most popular flavors are innovative re-imag-
                 quickly thus creating very fine ice crystals, giving   inings of dessert classics. Their cup of  Crème
                 you a smoother and creamier texture. You have   Brûlée inspired gelato rests under a blow-torched
                 a lot more control over the consistency.” Since it   coating of sugar. Their Ferrero Reveal is an ex-
                 is hand-churned for just a few minutes, the   plosion of chocolate and hazelnut. Both flavors
                 amount of air in the gelato is as small as possible.   have dedicated fans. “In fact we get hate mail if
                 Conversely, commercial machines whip large   we take them off the menu,” Chai joked.
                 amounts of air into ice cream.              Tokyo Lamington at N2 Extreme Gelato is
                     The key to the creamiest cup of gelato is to   another great innovation. “It’s a funky concept
                 keep the ice crystals very small. This is impossi-  we wanted to try out,” she shared. “We wanted
                 ble when freezing milk slowly. With liquid nitro-  to  combine  an  Australian  dessert  (in  this  case
                 gen, small ice crystals create a dense and velvety   lamington) with our love for Japan. So imagine
                 cup of gelato. Once you taste how smooth and   flavors like black sesame, pandan and coconut,
                 flavorful nitrogen gelato is, you will understand   matcha, and durian.” The possibilities are endless.
                 why it has so many devoted fans.            Meanwhile, some of the biggest brands are
                                                         taking note of the trend. For example, Starbucks
                 Advantages of Gelato                    Reserve Milano Roastery, the first and only one in
                                                         coffee-loving Italy, serves gelato made with liquid
                     Traditionally, gelato is churned slowly while   nitrogen. The thousands of visitors who stop by
                 ice cream is whipped quickly, meaning ice cream   every week can add a shot of Starbucks espresso
                 has much more ‘overrun’ or air in the finished   and watch their ingredients quickly freeze in a
                 product. “The technical difference usually comes   dramatic cloud of white vapor. It has already been
                 down to the butter fat content (usually higher fat   a huge hit for Starbucks and their amazed custom-
                 in ice cream) and overrun (the amount of air in   ers. Other brands will be sure to follow, bringing
                 the product, usually higher air content in ice   liquid nitrogen into the mainstream.
                 cream),” Chai explained. Less fat is used in gela-
                 to, which helps the individual flavors stand out   Science or Art?
                 more than in ice cream. The higher density
                 combined with the fuller flavor of gelato makes   When customers walk into the store and
                 it a perfect choice for nitrogen infusion.    see this special making process, with staff in lab
                     Since the flavor of the gelato comes through   coats, long gloves, and goggles, plus tanks of
                 so powerfully when using nitrogen, top-quality   liquid nitrogen, many are reminded of high school
                 ingredients are essential. Cheap or old ingredi-  chemistry classes. The explanations about the
                 ents cannot be hidden as easily as in traditional   molecular gastronomy of nitrogen gelato given
                 ice cream.                              by staff members add to the feeling that they are
                     When gelato is made beforehand, customers   witnessing a science experiment.
                 have no choice in flavor combinations. Flavor   Is the process behind liquid infused nitro-
                 varieties are made hours, days, or even weeks   gen gelato more about calculations or creativity?
 N2 Extreme Gelato  beforehand and sit behind the glass, waiting to   Chai answered, “I believe gelato itself is more
                 go on your cone. With nitrogen infusions, it is   science than art, we spend more time on spread-
 Originally a physical store in Australia, their focus   different. Since customization is encouraged,   sheets calculating.” Her dessert flavors are care-
 is  now  on  catering  events  and  opening  pop-ups   every customer can receive a unique flavor of   fully created with the liquid nitrogen process in
 around the world. A new spot has opened at N2
 Brunch Spot in Tokyo and they are looking into   gelato that is perfect for them.    mind. The exact science of the perfect combina-
 more expansion into SE Asia.   Chai has crafted more than 500 flavors of   tion of ingredients is all done behind the scenes.
 Photo / N2 Extreme Gelato
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