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Google has been named couple of times the best tech ees can work, Google has managed to create a very creative
company in the world. Even those outside the industry and enjoyable workplace. They are a little irreverent with
have heard of Google’s unparalleled employee perks and recreation and generous with perks. Those things always
expansive Silicon Valley campus. But there’s much more increase employee happiness, which has a direct relation-
to the tech titan’s successful culture than free meals and ship with productivity. For example, employees can take
on-site amenities like massages and dry cleaning. There yoga or tango classes any time, go to lectures held by
are other intangible qualities that keep Googlers happy, Google with speakers like Garry Kasparov, go for bowling,
productive and dedicated to the company. computer games or any other activity without being pun-
Google has been one of the first companies to real- ished for leaving working space ‘too early’. This is huge
ly understand the need for employees to have a flexible as it reduces burnout and ensure that employees are men-
schedule and work on their terms to unleash their cre- tally stimulated. It might seem like a contradiction after
ativity and a greater level of productivity. They’ve let hearing all of the perks, but the reason why Google offers
their employees explore how they’d like to work and gyms, free meals, free haircuts, free car washes, free dry
given them the freedom within the environment to ap- cleaning and even on-site health care is genius. Instead of
proach work in a way that suits them. “Even if they want having to go offsite or take time off to take care of daily
you to work 12 hours or 16 hours, Google knows that a routine tasks, Googlers can get them done there and stay
brain has its own limit and after this you are just super on task. In other words: we’ll take care of you while you
unproductive and it is just better to go to sleep. Short take care of work.
shifts are better than working 12 hours straight. You have While Google’s office perks are great, it’s not just the
your goals, you finish them and you are free to go, play benefits that make a great culture. It’s something else: it’s
video games, take classes, people do not care about time the way management and teammates treat one another. That’s
spent in the office, they care more about if you finish your what truly matters at the end of the day. “Google has flat
tasks for the day,” says Miguel Chapa, Software Engineer hierarchy. Your boss is not superior, we see a manager as a
in Google, “So it does not matter when you take a break, person we can reach out for help because they have more
you can just compensate after, it is not a big deal. Unless experience. So there is no superiority, we just help each
you have a meeting, of course.” other achieve our tasks”, says Miguel. And as not everyone
Google is just a fun place and doesn’t feel like work. works best at a desk, Google allows employees to work from
That is difficult to achieve in a company where employees pretty much anywhere — whether that means a beanbag
often work long days and even weekends. However, with chair, the cafe, a swingset or just a table with a nice view.
the perks, environment, and flexibility on where employ- Freedom of movement is the key here.