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Plant-based milks undergo minimal processing. They are naturally low on sugar and consequently on calories. For people with
lactose allergies there are plenty, equally natural and healthy alternatives.
Calcium for Your Bones high blood sugar when used in an unsweetened form, nor
are they likely to cause weight gain. Sure, you can buy
Getting enough calcium on a plant-based diet is a skim and fat-free milk, but plant-based milks are also a
breeze! Especially thanks to non-dairy milks, which often good option. Even those higher in calories such as coconut,
have 50 percent more per serving than dairy milk does. hemp, rice, and soy milk are still much lower in calories
Calcium is important for healthy bones, teeth, keeping your than dairy milk per serving.
blood pressure low, reducing tension, aiding in overall ner-
vous system health, and for preventing osteoporosis. Better Digestion
Less Sugar, Better Teeth Plant-based milks are usually very easy to digest, which
makes them perfect if you’re looking for ways to optimize
A lot of people cannot drink cow’s milk due to its your digestion on a plant-based diet. If you have a nut or soy
natural sugar content, lactose, that may cause digestive allergy, rice milk is an allergy-friendly option you may want
problems and allergies. Good news: plant-based milks have to consider. Coconut and hemp milk are other well-tolerat-
no lactose at all and have lower sugar content in general. ed choices as well. Most people with digestive issues notice
Unsweetened non-dairy milk is usually free of any sugar, they feel much better once they get rid of dairy in their diet
with some containing only the natural sugars found in due to the lactose dairy milk contains. If your digestion needs
nuts and seeds. Compared to cow’s milk that contains a tune up, give non-dairy milk a try! Non-dairy milk can do
anywhere from 13-16 grams up in just one cup, plant-based your body good, but is not something used exclusively at
milks are a much better choice. home. More and more coffee shops start using plant-based
alternative to cow’s milk as it goes better with iced coffee
Less Calories, Slimmer Waist due to its lighter texture. Thanks to the booming popularity
of plant-based milk, growing number of brands concentrate
If you’ll notice, most non-dairy milks are extremely on producing better tasting high quality product. The more
low in calories, though very satisfying. They don’t trigger option we have the merrier.