Page 13 - CTI65eng-Emaga
P. 13
H ave you ever been But at some they could find it, while rely-
split with the deci-
ing on plant-based diets. But
sion what to take:
tory, veganism out of neces-
coconut iced latte point of human at some point of human his-
or a regular latte? Having co- history, veganism sity became veganism out of
conut can make any name principal. Hindus, Buddhists
sound delicious. More and out of necessity and Jains have all long pro-
more we see plant-based alter- moted plant based diets for
natives to our favourite drinks: became ethical reasons. Taoism and
strawberry almond milk, choc- Buddhism in the late 4th cen-
olate soy milk etc.. In fact, veganism out of tury stipulated that their
these are also some of our fa- monks and nuns were to eat
vorite drinks now. Plant-based principal. an egg free vegetarian diet
drinks have been around for a and the Japanese Emperor
while, but only now they got Tenmu banned the use of all
so much attention and appre- livestock. Even in the utopian
ciation. Thanks to growing times of the garden of Eden,
health and wellness trend, people started think careful- humans and animals were “given” only plants as food:
ly about what they consume and what health benefits “I give you all plants that bear seed everywhere on earth,
bring products they buy. But what about plant-based and every tree bearing fruit which yields seed: They
diet? Where does it come from and why it has become shall be yours for food. All green plants I give for food
such a phenomenon? to the wild animals, to all the birds of heaven, and to all
Now more than half a million people aged 15 and reptiles on earth, every living creature, it shall be theirs
over declare to follow plant-based diet. In fact, even for food.” (Genesis 1:29-31). As we can see, most of
early human population was ‘vegan’: according to Ar- world’s major religions advocate for a plant-based diet,
chaeologist Dr. Richard Leakey, people turned to animal without actually giving other options. Talking about
products out of necessity when there were shortages of plant-based diet will bring to mind words like “vegan-
our nut, seed and wild cereal staples. Hominins are ism” or “vegan”. But let’s not call any religion vegan, as
considered to be opportunistic scavengers of meat where the term is relatively new.